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Please feel free to correct my writings! :)


A tall young man in his mid-20s came rushing to the old apartment building with groceries in both hands. Shudders from the cold, he climbs up the stairs and with more effort than usual, since the weight on both hands slows him down, he reaches the third floor with heavy breathing.

The young man then curses his best friend for picking a place without an elevator. Out of all places Kana can choose, the latter chose this almost run-down apartment. He understands it might be because Kana wants to cut the cost of rent, but really... the boy should've accepted his offer of wanting to help and pay a small part of the monthly rent and get a way better place.

But what's done is done he thought, as he approach Kana's apartment door and knocks. But after attempting a few times while sometimes also pressing his right ear to the door, he didn't get any response.

Hmm, maybe Kana hasn't arrived home yet, the man thinks as he takes out the spare key of the apartment from his pocket. It's nothing unusual.

After fumbling around some more with an attempt to put the key into the keyhole, he manages to unlock it and hurries inside the dark apartment before closing the door behind him. Immediately, the cold bite his cheeks as he notices the heater's not on yet. It convinces him more that Kana hasn't arrived home.

But that is proven wrong because even before he has the chance to turn on the lights, he's surprised when seeing another silhouette, a person, sitting on the floor while leaning against the wall at the opposite side of the bedroom door.

He recognizes the person right away and relief comes out of him with a sigh. But the feeling only last a while since he notices dark lines on Kana's lower right arm and a fork not far from the latter. Dark stains can be seen on the tips and shine as the moonlight hits them. The sight shoots him to panic and he throws the groceries back to the ground before running to his best friend's side.

"Kana! What happened?!" He asks erratically, sitting down on his knees and bending down to search his best friend's doe-eyes.

He didn't miss how blank they are before the owner of those beautiful doe eyes gain back consciousness. Kana turns to look at him with a sad smile, "Vin... Sorry that I didn't open the door for you."

Vin mutters out reassurance words as he helps Kana to stand up before letting the boy sits on one of the high chairs in the kitchen. He then turns the switch to chase away the darkness to illuminate the space in warm light, moving to turn on the heater to shoo away the biting cold. Vin goes back into the kitchen area and sighs in hopes it can help to calm himself.

After the alarming worry subdued, Vin looks at Kana with a soft gaze, "Will you tell me what happened? Is there something wrong?"

While waiting for an answer, Vin bents down and takes the first aid kit before asking again in a still gentle manner, "You know you can count on me for everything, Kana."

After knowing each other for 7 years, Vin knows how to persuade Kana to open up. With the latter being such a soft but stubborn person, it is necessary to approach while also pushing in a gentle manner. Being too hard will just going to make Kana stress out and closed off. And when it reaches that point, Kana is uncontrollable and will most likely do self-harm.

Kana has done it many times. And aware of this, Vin has no choice but to soften himself when facing the delicate boy.

Kana keeps quiet for a while, contemplating whether to share his feelings with Vin. There's a feeling of now wanting to bother Vin with his problem since the latter had already done so much for him. At this point for Kana, Vin is so much more than his best friend.

Safe Haven - Book One [BxB|18+]✓Where stories live. Discover now