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Author's note: Dear readers, I will be taking a break for the holiday :) Please wait for my return to continue the journey of our Dandelion & Daisy. I've decided to post 2 chapters for you to enjoy.

Merry Christmas for those who celebrate and Happy New year to you all! :) Thank you for sticking around and enjoy my work. It is the best gifts for me to see you all crying and laughing from my writings! :D (Please don't kill me for making you cry next time in the future.)


Please feel free to correct my writings! :)

Even though we're going through it
And it makes you feel alone
Just know that I would die for you
Baby I would die for you, yeah

The Weeknd - Die For You


Yesterday's meeting with a certain actress jumbles his feeling. Is it really the same Som that he thought? The one who is engaged to his boyfriend? Why is she here? As far as Kana know, she never appears in any international movies. Did she come here because of Sam? Of course, she is. Som even had a heart to heart session with him about Sam. There's no way that she come here just for a vacation.

The younger actually wants to ask Sam about it, but afraid that the older might do things that Kana didn't like. He somehow knows something must've happened to Reiko because of that night's phone call. Adding Vin told Sam the details regarding that eventful day. Just thinking about what Sam might have done makes his stomach turns, feeling worried for the woman.

Reiko is indeed not a pleasant woman, but that doesn't mean Kana wants something bad happens to her. And based on that night, where he unconsciously allowed Sam to did what he wants to do, the chances of Reiko getting punished by Sam is quite high. Adding that these past few days, the older looks troubled by something as well. That night when the adonis cried in his arms, it's such an indescribable feeling for the younger. Kana somehow understands that Sam might feel regret, doubling the guilt that he felt. He shouldn't have said yes. He felt stupid allowing Sam to take out the thorn. It seems the wound pained him more.

What makes Kana even more surprised that he suddenly got a call from Bright last night. The model wanted to meet him because of something important that he want to talk about. It makes Kana more confuse when Bright asked to keep their meeting a secret from Sam. Kana was reluctant at first since he hates hiding things from Sam. Adding to his knowing that Som is here in the country and Sam's blue feeling. He really didn't want to add any more problem. But Kana eventually agreed after much pursuing from the model, telling him that the information is very important. They have decided to meet at Vin's studio. Before, Kana thought to meet Bright at Shane's cafe, but change his mind the moment he knows from Shane that Mike still regularly visits the place. The photographer has been at the cafe every day after that eventful day, possibly waiting for Kana to stop by.

Vin roughly knows what had happened between Kana and Mike through Sophie. He felt guilty for easily trusted that bastard, letting him accompanied his precious friend. That man also keeps on bugging him with calls and messages, asking for a chance to meet Kana again. Of course, Vin cursed the photographer and told him that he would need to cross over Vin's dead body to let that happen.

The taller man currently reads the paperwork inside his office while seldomly glance through the glass door, towards the two men that sit on the sitting area next door. His protective nature for Kana makes him feel uneasy to leave the young writer again with someone he barely knew. But he needs to remember to respect the younger's privacy. He can't and shouldn't always selfishly meddle in Kana's life if the latter doesn't want him to.

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