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Please feel free to correct my writings! :)

Warning: The content of this chapter might be triggering for some people. Do not proceed if you are sensitive to the topic (Mention of attempted suicide). You have been warned.


They have finished watching one of Sam's movies. It was nice, with a lot of blood splatters and limbs chopping here and there. But despite all of that, it had a happy ending. And of course, multiple awards and one in specific is from The International Film Association for Best Actor awarded to Sam, the main actor in the movie. Kana leans his head to the older's shoulder, "I can't believe you're able to show those horrifying faces."

Sam chuckles, "It's called good acting, babe. If one of your legs got cut off, you're going to show that face. And I can't believe that you are able to watch this one. It's kind of gory."

The younger pouts and moves closer to hide his face in the older's neck, "The first time I watched this one, I got a horrible nightmare for days."

Sam frowns for not liking the information, protectively wrapping his arm around Kana's waist, "We shouldn't watch this one then. What if the nightmare comes back?"

Kana let out a soft snort, "Don't worry. I asked Vin to accompany me at that time. And I already watched this one many times before. Because why not? It's got an award for best actor and definitely worth seeing your award-winning expressions." he teases as the older chuckles at his response.

Kana pulls back and stands up to go to take the other DVDs, "You want to watch another one?"

The older, however, hold the younger's wrist to stop the latter to move any further. He pulls Kana to sit on his lap and rests his chin on the other's shoulder. Both of his arms wrap around Kana's slender waist. After humming a little, Sam whispers in a low voice, "Let's stay like this for a while. Suddenly I miss your embrace."

Kana's heart beat faster than before, so fast he can't even hear anything besides his turmoil heart. They literally just did not hug each other for only a few hours and Sam claimed that the latter missed his embrace. Kana tries to hold his hiccup so as to not embarrass himself. The younger eventually relax on the older's lap and stroke the brown fluffy hair with his slender fingers, "Okay."

The TV that once has the 10-minute credit now shows a blue screen with the DVD player brand bouncing every time it hits the corner of the screen. The faint foreign music can also be heard again as the TV stops letting out any sound.

Time becomes irrelevant as they enjoy the warmth of each other. The once bright sky has become visibly greyed as the room is enveloped with the cold tone of the weather. Millions of water droplets begin to pour outside. The soothing sound of the rain mixed with the faint music accompanies their silence as they embrace each other lovingly. Kana looks towards the window, admiring nature's beauty on the other side of the glass. Water droplets stain the living room's window with its crystal lines as the cold weather from outdoors creates condensation on the glass.

After a little reminiscing session, Kana speaks in a hush and gentle voice, "What I really love about London is its constant rain. The sound of water really calms me down. When I was there, at my worst place, that sound was the one that always accompanies me. It helps me to forget all my dark thoughts." Kana faintly smiles while still looking outside. His brown eyes reflect the crystal droplets beautifully as he rewinds and continues to voice out, "The rain reminds me of you. That you're alive and exist somewhere around me in the form of the element that's inside your name. Even though I can't see the ocean from there, I was always happy to see the element of you. It's like you accompanied me at my worst time."

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