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Please feel free to correct my writings! :)


The beautifully intricate designs of the row of identical buildings amaze Kana. The brick pathway is so different from London, which had a wider and paved pathway. The weather is brighter and sunny, creating a warmer ambience in the city. He can romanticize scenes everywhere his doe eyes land. Paris is truly a beautiful city.

They arrived not more than an hour ago from the airport. It was a quick flight, only took around an hour from London to Paris. They stayed longer and had lunch there while waiting for Sam's driver to pick them up. After the driver arrived and drop them at the hotel they stayed at, they proceed to do the check-in and went to their suite to rest. But The younger had another plan in mind. He insisted on taking a walk because the breeze felt so great on his tanned cheeks. He was also intrigued when he saw the beautiful small cafes on the way to the hotel.

Seeing the excited doe eyes fuel Sam's energy as he happily accepts his dandelion demands. Both of them now walked side by side, with Sam's half-hidden face guiding them while letting Kana's eyes busily ogle at the scenery. The older keeps his hand secure on the latter's waist.

"So, should we get some gelatos over there? We can eat it while walking." Sam suggest.

Kana who just went high on his admiring session immediately goes back to the ground once he heard Sam's offer. The younger smiles adorably and nods, "I can't refuse dessert."

Sam giggles and takes them to a gelato place that is not far from there. The older went to this city many times before. Being a high-profile model, of course, he will get lots of offers from high-end brands. Well, they will need to compete with each other to gain Sam's contract. The perks of having his surname and of course, his God-like looks. No one can deny his seductive cat-shaped eyes and his perfectly-mould body.

Once they reached the shop, Sam begins to speak the foreign language, shocking Kana with his fluency. Kana can't help but part his lips slightly while listening to the older who now have small talk with the shop owner and even exchanging chuckles with one another.

"Which flavour do you want?" Sam asks while turning to look at his dandelion, but only to find the wide doe eyes looking back at him in shock. The expression makes him laugh a little, "What?"

Kana blinks rapidly, "N-no. Nothing," then goes closer and looks at the choices. He can't seem to choose between 2 flavours, "Mm. I want to try either salted caramel or rum," then pans his head to see the last flavour before gasping, "Chamomile and honey?"

Then turn his head and points to the last flavour, "That one. I've decided."

"Only one flavour? You can pick more. You can choose all 3 flavours." Sam suggest.

Kana, however, shake his head, rejecting the offer, "I can't eat that much. I'm still full from the lunch we had earlier at the airport."

Sam nods and proceeds to order for them. Once the order arrives, Kana is a bit taken aback at the older's choice. 2 flavours are on the latter's cone, salted caramel and rum. 

Sam takes them and offers both of the gelatos to the younger, "You can eat both of them and I'll finish the rest for you. Which one do you want to eat first?"

"Did you chose these ones because of me?" Kana asks. Sam nods and his eyes turn crescent, "I want you to eat anything that you want here without worrying how to finish them. So just tell me if you ever want more than one flavour. I'll gladly pick the one you choose and share mine with you."

Kana's heart melts as he heard the older's statement. He can't help but smile warmly at the Adonis of a man in front of him, "You're so sweet. You know that?"

Safe Haven - Book One [BxB|18+]✓Where stories live. Discover now