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Please feel free to correct my writing! :)

How can I even love the heartbreak
When you're the one I love
I can't give up on us solely because of love
And experience heart wrenching pain

AKMU - How Can I Love The Heartbreak, You're The One I Love (English Translation)


"Are you playing with me, Tanapon?" Sam asks frustratedly.

The voice from the other line sigh, "It's complicated, Sakda. They're obviously out of the country. Do you realize how many countries there are in the world? They could be flying anywhere right now. They've been jumping from country to another, not staying more than a week in one country. I even found out they've separate ways along the way. The last plane ticket I found under their name was to the US and the other to Greenland 2 months ago. It's going to take time."

Sam held his breath, trying to not get mad, "Just get it done as soon as it can. If not, I'll use another method to find them."

The model hums from the other line, "Please believe in us, Sakda. You know me and Edgar will always be here to help you. Don't act so rash, alright? I'll promise you we will find them soon."

The older hums and cuts the line. He drops his body to the chair in front of the vanity mirror while massaging his temple, subduing a headache that threatens to appear. He and the younger had already come back from Paris days ago yet Bright still not done tracking them yet. He honestly doesn't know if his best friend's skill is getting blunt or he just not wanting to tell him. The older hopes its the first one, though. He doesn't want to lash out on Bright.

Then suddenly someone knocks on his door and comes in. One of the film crew has called him out to the meeting room, making his already sour mood turns sourer. What now? What does that baldy old man want now?

He nods and follows the crew to the meeting room. There, he sees the director that he called baldy old man earlier, sitting at one of the chairs. Sam pulls the chair opposite of him and sit. The director notices the actor's sour mood but said nothing of it. He knows the actor might get even madder after this news, so he inches his chair a bit further, "Last time, the production team told you about changing the lead actress, correct?" Sam nods, "So, I called you here because I want to properly introduce you to the new co-star. She's just arrived this morning and wants to meet you."

Sam leans back and folds his arms, showing out his perfectly-shaped biceps and brooding eyes, "What's with the special treatment? Is she perhaps one of your favourites? And you're calling me here just to tell me that? I can meet the actress on the set and start building the rush shallow fake chemistry there as you want. Why do you even bother to call me for this kind of thing?"

Sam scoffs, "And I can't believe a producer follows investors wanting. This is your creation, you should be the one who takes control." He clicks his tongue in annoyance, "This series is already on the way to its demise before it even air anyway. Be grateful that I still haven't dropped out of the production."

The director can't say anything but to bit his own tongue. What Sam said is true. Both of the actors don't have time to do workshops to build their chemistry. But The director thought it will be fine for them, knowing their relationship status to each other. And he hopes the series is not flopping like what his lead actor predict, at least Sam's name will be able to raise give hope for him. He silently curses of that one specific investor.

The director exhales, "Well, I just thought it will be great for you to meet in private with her first. I'm sure you two will have perfect love chemistry, given your relationship status with her. I heard you already know each other for a long time as well."

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