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Please feel free to correct my writings! :)


As the morning light seep into the room, the ray hits a lying figure on the bed. Kana slowly flutters open his doe eyes with a groggy feeling dominating his inside. He then lift himself up before stretching his long limbs to get rid of the knots that were formed on his joints. When he looks to the left, Kana can't help but pout his chestnut lips to see that Sam has already woken up before him.

As he rubs his sleepiness away, Kana can't help but let out a small wince when he feels the throbbing pain. This must be because of the constant crying that he did yesterday. Kana bet if he looks into the mirror right now, he will resemble a fish with his puffy doe eyes.

The dandelion then wakes up from the tempting bed before pans around the room. It is grand, with white walls and gold trimming on almost every corner. Pieces of Furniture look so pristine and expensive, polished as they're shimmering underneath the morning light.

...Very grand. Kana... never went to places like this before.

He quickly shakes his uncomfortable feeling away. Now is not the time to do a comparison. It will be pointless and just a waste of time to think about these things. No matter what or how hard he tries, the gap will never be close. Kana let out a sigh and rubs his chest to get rid of the heavy feeling.

His attention then moves to a baritone voice that faintly invades his ears. Tilting his head in curiosity, Kana walks towards the voice as it leads him to the living room, with Sam sitting on the sofa talking with someone on the phone. The man seems to just finish the call the moment Kana approaches.

Different from Kana who had just woken up, Sam looks fresh as the smell of sandalwood scent lingering around him. Sam then smiles and motions the younger to sit beside him, which the other obliges. Sam scoots closer to eliminate the gap before greeting fondly, "Good morning, baby. You're looking beautiful today."

Kana let out small giggles, shaking his head and bringing his bird nest-like raven hair to sway along, "No way. I must've looked like a mess right now. My eyes are throbbing, must've swollen so badly," he nonchalantly replies before touching the lower part of his eyes.

Taking the initiative, Sam goes to the mini fridge to take out a cold can of beer before going back to sit in his original spot. He then passes it to Kana while suggesting, "Use this to lessen the swole. But I didn't lie though, you look beautiful as always," he adds with a wink.

Kana let out another giggle and accepted the beer before lightly pressing it to his eyes while muttering, "You cheesy man."

Sam chuckles back at the remark before offering, "So, what do you want for breakfast?" he takes the menu and shows it to Kana, "They have a few on the menu. But if none to your liking, I can ask my men to buy from outside."

Kana shakes his head to reject the offer, "Just a tea will do. I don't eat breakfast."

Sam begins to pout as he feels dissatisfied with Kana's answer. There's no way he let his dandelion skip breakfast, "No can do. You just let out a lot of energy yesterday. You need to fill up." he says before opening the menu, scanning it briefly, then look at Kana to suggest with a smile, "I realized you like sweet food. So how about pancakes or waffles? You can have fruits on the side. What do you think?" Sam asks while pinching Kana's cheek adoringly.

The younger stomach grumbles when he hears the older's suggestion. He ends up agreeing with a hum, "I'll have pancakes."

Sam smiles wider in satisfaction before nodding and reaching the landline to place their order. Once he's done, Sam moves his attention back to Kana, gently pulling down Kana's wrist to take a look at the latter's eyes.

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