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"Are you alright, Kana?"

Sam is getting worried when he sees Kana seems to be in a trance. The record was already finished more than 5 minutes ago but the boy is just standing there while looking back with wide eyes. It confuses Sam greatly, adding that The Dandelion doesn't respond even after he calls so many times.

"Kana? Baby... are you alright?" Sam tries again while moving a little closer, holding the other's arm.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, those wide doe eyes begin to get glossy and tear up, eventually letting out clear droplets and racing down the flushing cheeks. As Kana begins to sob, Sam gasps in shock and moves even closer while feeling perplexed and mixed in worry.

"Baby? What's wrong?" Sam asks in concern.

Instead of answering, however, Kana hangs his head down before sobbing louder, causing other people around them to glance in curiosity.

With no answer, and no idea of what happened, Sam can only look around to apologise with his eyes before awkwardly hovering his hand around Kana, confused about whether it is okay to touch. Eventually, he bends down a little to find Kana's eyes before asking in a soft baritone voice, "Babe, you're scaring me. Is something wrong?"

But instead of stopping, Kana wails louder and it causes Sam, including the people around them, to jolt in surprise. And those strangers then set their eyes on Sam, accusing him with their stare for making such a beautiful boy cry.

Sam doesn't realize or even care because he's now busy trying to soothe his boyfriend down. He tries to be as calm as possible even though his inside is in full-blown panic mode, afraid it might trigger Kana further and have a panic attack. 

"Babe, calm down," Sam says before gently stroking the younger's back in an attempt to try to soothe the other.

But Kana whines and steps back to avoid Sam's touch while still closing his doe eyes to stop the cascading tears. It went in vain, as he continues to erase the overflowing tears with the hem of both sleeves is also feels like it does nothing. The pain of reality, the swole of adoration, all of those overwhelming feelings can't be contained in his already brittle heart that has been shredding as time passes.

It's painful. It's... very... painful.

"W-why... Why are you doing this to me?!" Kana hiccups before continuing to complain in between his wail, "T-Treating me like... I-I am the most precious thing to you?!" he hiccups again while rubbing his teary eyes, "Y-you make me fall deeper... You... make me fall deeper for you..." he repeats before hiccupping and wails again.

The record makes Kana's doubt seems not worth it in comparison with Sam's deep feeling. It's making him glad but more guilty at the same time. Glad that it helps him to realise how much deeper both of their feelings are to each other, but more guilty because of the dubiety that keeps on haunting in every step. The present hit the final nail on Kana. It stuck and makes him certain that he's unable to leave whenever happens.

"N-now what am I supposed to do?! N-Now I'm certain that I won't be able to let you go no matter what happens!!" Kana wails even harder.

Even though not understanding entirely, Sam let out a relieved sigh when seeing Kana doesn't hyperventilate. Thinking that Kana is just feeling overwhelmed, Sam chuckles at the emotional yet adorable reply his safe haven just showed.

Kana hears the chuckle and Sam's chest in annoyance, "Why are you laughing?! Can't you see I'm crying here?!!" he cries with hiccups in between.

Sam immediately hugs the latter, trying to soothe with his touch and muffle the younger's cry with his shoulder, "Ssshh... calm down, Kana. I'm sorry that I make you cry. I'm sorry that I laughed."

Safe Haven - Book One [BxB|18+]✓Where stories live. Discover now