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Warning: The content of this chapter might be triggering for some people. Do not proceed if you are sensitive to the topic (Teen Abuse and Sexual Assault). You have been warned.

Please feel free to correct my writings! :)


Vin, 3 years ago

I take a glance from the rearview mirror, looking at a medium-sized rectangular box under a much flatter one that had similar width that is stacked on the back seat of my car. Both are wrapped in gift paper and quite messy.

Well... I admit that I didn't do a good job on the wrapping, but what matters are the inside right? The thought makes me mentally pat my own shoulder before smiling in contentment, knowing that Kana for sure will love these.

I wasn't able to see him last Christmas. It was quite sad for not able to, but there's really nothing we both can do if that fucker's the one who didn't let Kana out that day. No matter how horrible, that fucker's still Kana's adoptive parent.

It...Such a cruel fact.

But all things aside, today is his 18th birthday. 

And by law, Kana is now considered an adult and finally able to leave that God-forsaken house. Because of that, I am now going to his house as I insisted on helping him to move out. He told me it wasn't much, just a duffel bag with clothes and precious objects, a box of books, and another box of miscellaneous stuff.

We planned to move it yesterday, but the road was too slippery for a car to pass. Even now, I need to drive carefully and my tires sometimes slip up. It was quite scary, but luckily I still managed.

I parked my car in the parking lot that is quite far from where his house is. I don't want that crazy couple to notice my arrival because the last time, the crazy duo broke my side mirror. It was all because I sent Kana home to pass off curfew. 

What kind of teenager has a curfew at 5 pm? The school even ends at 4 pm.

Let's just say they aren't fond of me that much. Probably because I always yell back at them and called them many names, beautiful and gorgeous names from my brilliant brain. I already got a series of crazy memories with them to convince myself they are indeed insane. It really amazed me how Kana was able to live in that awful house for 4 years.

I get out of my car and walk to his house while clutching my coat. The weather is luckily not as cold as yesterday. But it is still freezing because of the constant snowflake hitting my skin, melting as it hit my warm body. Christmas lights decorate the houses with their multicolour lights. Some even let out statues and Christmas trees in their front yard. The once-dull neighbourhood is now livelier and full of colour, making me feel a little bit fuzzy with the thought. At least Kana can see these lights to make him feel better when we walk back later.

My body is shivering in the cold as I reach the ever-familiar house that belongs to the Lewis family. It still looks as ugly as ever. The house is not big, only one story tall. it is located in the shady part of the neighbourhood at the edge of London. The house's yard is full of wild weeds and trashes since the owner doesn't even bother to tend it. The walls are littered with uneven paint and some parts have already peeled off. Most of the windows are broken and only covered in planks.

With that thought, I then notice a window that previously had glass on it is now covered with a plank. They must have fought again and broken another window. 

And as I look at the house, not even a sight of Christmas decorations in sight. They don't even bother to put them on again this year. I heard the neighbourhood notices that this house stopped celebrating exactly the year they adopted Kana.

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