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Please feel free to correct my writings! :)


There is a small cafe on the edge of the street. The shop illuminates a warm and cosy atmosphere with its yellow lights and dark wood pieces of furniture. The cafe serves only three types of coffee and a few various kinds of tea. But even though the drinks are limited, the cakes they offer taste amazing.

Kana goes into the warm cafe and sits at his usual spot, which is a table at the corner of the room beside a tall and wide window that directly faces the street. He then turns his doe eyes towards someone who's now currently approaching him. Kana replies to the girl's smile before greeting her with his usual gentle intonation, "Hello, Sophie. How are you today?"

The girl is caucasian. Petite in figure and wearing a white shirt and brown skirt with an apron around her waist. Her blonde hair is loosely tied in a high ponytail and her ocean-blue eyes twinkle in delight. She sets down a cup of chamomile tea on Kana's table before replying to the greeting, "Hey Kana! I'm good. It's nice to see you again. What cake do you want? I have carrot cake, cheesecake, strawberry shortcake, chocolate cake, tira--"

"Sophie," Kana cuts Sophie's rap while laughing, "Let me greet you properly first."

The girl then let out a loud groan, "But I want you to hurry up and taste my cakes! I work so hard on them!"

Kana chuckles at the enthusiasm, "Then give me the best slice."

The girl instantly blush while trying to hide half of her face with the tray that she held. She then hurriedly goes back to the counter and picks up a strawberry shortcake and quickly comes back to place it in front of Kana. 

"Here, please let me know how it tastes!" She shyly says and happily skips back to the service counter. The cute gesture incites another chuckle from Kana as he continues to look at Sophie. 

"You and your smile should be illegal." a man's voice interrupts the small admiration and Kana turns to find a pair of identical ocean-blue eyes looking back at him. The caucasian man that is sitting in front of him has the same features as Sophie, but the man is as tall as Kana. He's wearing the same uniform and an apron around the waist. The man then clicks his tongue while shaking his head in disbelief, "My sister is really head over heels for you."

Shane is the owner and runs the small cafe with his little sister, Sophie. Kana became to know them 2 years ago when he randomly entered the cafe and orders a cup of chamomile tea along with a cheesecake. Kana immediately fonds of their cake and ended up becoming a regular customer there.

Kana shakes his head, "No, she just wants me to try her cake."

Shane raises his blonde brows at his seemingly oblivious friend, "Oh really? She gave you a strawberry shortcake among the other cakes she baked. You know what that means, right? Surely you're not that dense."

Kana replies with a shrug and takes a bite of the cake. As the fluffy and creamy texture fills his mouth with clouds, the sweet tooth lets out his signature warm smile while the wave of sweet taste continues to caress his tongue. Kana is so content with the taste that he failed to notice a little squeal coming from the service counter.

Shane, again, shakes his head while leaning further to the table and resting on his right elbow, "You're unbelievable."

Kana tilts his head in confusion, "What? What did I do?"

"You just radiate your charm in this small cafe and you don't even try. Lucky I don't bat for the same team." Shane playfully jokes before showing his serious face as he leans even closer, "You should set things straight and reject Sophie properly. Please, Kana. I don't want to see her suffer later on."

Safe Haven - Book One [BxB|18+]✓Where stories live. Discover now