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Please feel free to correct my writings! :)


Sam arrives at his hotel and hurriedly goes back to his room before quickly dialling Bright's number. After waiting a few seconds, the other line picks up with a groggy voice, "Did you not realize what time is this in Bangkok? It's fucking 3 am, Sam. Fucking. THREE. am" Bright groans, "Can you stop giving me panda eyes?"

Sam exhale the breath that he unconsciously hold since he left Kana. He then lets it out along with the words he's about to speak, "I met him. He's here, in London."

Bright let out a shocking sound, the groggy voice that was once in his voice earlier suddenly vanish into thin air and replaces with a shriek, "What?! He's there?! In London?!" his loud surprise then follows by a whine from someone else at the other line.

"Yeah, he changes his name to Kana Kaarle Lewis. It's written in his notebook that I borrow from him. Apparently, he's a writer now." Sam shares.

There is shuffling and muttering sounds on the other line, indicating Bright getting up and leaving his lover in bed. The man then comes back with a teasing question, "So what did you do? Did you do something stupid like suddenly kissing him?"

The statement was only being said to ease the light tension. But when he heard nothing from Sam, Bright sighs in a little disappointment, "You did, didn't you? Hmmm. That is so you. What did I expect--"

"Hey! I was caught up in the moment! He was standing there, so freaking beautiful. How can I resist." Sam cuts with a retort, "I told him not to run away from me again. I'll win him back."

"You sound like you're going to force him to be back to you. That's really not a good idea, Sam." Bright flatly replies. He knows how impulsive Sam is when it comes to relationships, "You need to mind his feelings as well. Don't act so rush."

Sam let out a groan, "Yeah, I know. But it's so hard to control it. You know how much I want him. It's like I'm obsessed with the thought of him. 7 years without him feels like torture for eternity."

Bright let out a scoff, "You dramatic baby. I know how much you miss him but that statement is just plain cheesy." taking a brief pause for remembering something, he then continues with a worried intonation, "But first, what about Som? What are you going to do with her? Have you thought about her?"

The reminder just got Sam into realization, "Oh, right. I forgot about her." he flatly says as if the matter is not important, "Well, whatever. I can just break it up. It's not like I'm willing from the start."

Bright snickers, "You heartless vampire. I knew you were unwilling the moment I saw your face when you were on the platform of your engagement party. You looked as pale as a corpse. You don't even let Som touch you. Not only me, the whole people inside that room know that you're forced. You look constipated up there."

Sam shivers at the memory. That engagement day has officially become the worse nightmare of his life. His father forced him to marry the only daughter of the Kurusatienkit household, Som Solada Kurusatienkit. 

Som is his childhood friend, they've known each other since in diapers and their parents are close to each other. The arrangement has been planned a long time ago by their parents that Sam and Som will be wedded to each other. It even got to the point that Som's nickname was purposely done to be in sync with Sam.

Sam thought it's very unfair and creepy for the parents to just pair them up without minding their opinion. Never in his life that Sam likes Som in that way. He always regards her more as his little sister. So the thought of marrying your own sister sickens him to the core.

Safe Haven - Book One [BxB|18+]✓Where stories live. Discover now