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Eden 14 - Kai 21

Gentle strokes of the breeze caress Eden's tanned skin and slowly whisper into his ears like a faint lullaby. Seems like the delicate feeling was triggered by a desire to calm the raging nerves that are built due to the thriller novel that he just read. And for this, Eden mentally notes himself to avoid these types of scary books in the future. For it will be bad towards his weak heart.

...Well, not medically weak. But, you get what I mean, right?

Eden is extremely soft. He is not fond of thrillers or horror novels. In fact, he is extremely terrified of them. But currently, there aren't any other new books aside from the horror ones that he hasn't read. It has been years since the orphanage received any book donations.

Now having no options but to close the pages of the scary novel, Eden softly sighs and decides to just rest his eyes while humming his favourite song. And with his gentle voice easily carried away by the wind, the tense feeling easily detangled and gradually faded away. With his delicate heart now soothed and calmed down, his chestnut-shaped rosy lips were finally willing to form a smile on his demand.

As Eden flutters open his doe-shaped eyes and looks towards the vast greenery field in front of him, his attention lands on white and black fur cows which are grazing not far from where he sits. Some of them are bantering with each other, mothers nursing their calves and solo grazers continue to munch on the grass with bore expressions.

Adorable. And very peaceful. It feels so serene that Eden's small smile turns wider.

He always likes to spend his alone time here, underneath the shade of a big lone tree up on the hill that grows abundantly between the orphanage, where he lives, and a farm that is a few hundred meters away, which is also where he works part-time after school.

Now reminded of the farm, Eden turns to look at the red barn inside a wide patch of fenced land that is not far from the orphanage. The feeling of concern begins to linger as he starts to remembering the owner.

Mr Daeng, who Eden believes must be in his 70s, complained that it is difficult to take care of such a big farm alone. In fact, aside from his body getting too worn out to do heavy work, Mr Daeng has also recently been diagnosed with heart failure.

With such conditions and age, it is quite worrying. A thought forms in Eden's mind, wondering if Mr Daeng's family have the same concern. If so, why let the old man live alone without any helper?

"I thought I'd find you here."

A woman's voice breaks his train of thought. Eden looks up and meets a pair of crescent eyes looking back at him. The woman smiles in familiarity, "And I am correct."

But her smile quickly turns into a small frown, "How long were you here? Did you skip breakfast again this morning? It's not healthy for you, Eden. You're 14 and that's the age where your body needs nutrients to grow."

"I'm okay, Sister Maria," Eden dismisses the concern and shrugs, "I'm already tall enough."

Sister Maria rolls her eyes, "That reason can't hide the fact that you're skipping to give the other kids more share on their plate. Am I right?"

Eden chuckles as he starts to arrange his books into a small pile, "I am not that noble, Sister."

"You do," She encounters and reaches out her right hand to softly caress Eden's crown, gaze goes softer along with her voice, "And that's very kind of you."

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