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Please do feel free to correct my writings :)


Kana sits on one of the benches with a much paler face as Sam looks at him in concern, "We should have not gone into the haunted house. I'm sorry Kana."

They had just come out from the haunted house and Kana was terrified to death when they were inside. He weakly chuckles before tilting his head to look at Sam, "It's okay. I should try to at least face my fears. There's no harm in it to try to be better. After all, you did a great job protecting me inside there."

Kana recalls how Sam slowly guides him in the small dark hallway, letting him wrap the pair of slender arms around the sturdy waist as they slowly move forward. Every time something scary comes out, Kana will tightly close his eyes and hid his face to the board back, and Sam will reply to the gesture by gently patting his hands, assuring the scared dandelion that everything will be fine. The gentle gestures that Sam showed him made Kana's heart instantly melt, "I won't even mind if we go again as long as I have you." The dandelion says as he softly ruffles the other's brown hair that he is now fond of.

Sam stares at Kana silently as his gaze begins to soften, understanding the other's aim of wanting to be better by directly facing the fear with Sam by his side. The thought of it makes Sam feel proud of Kana and himself as well.

Why to himself? Well because Kana trust him so much that he's willing to lean on him of course! Sam is beyond elated when he think about these facts.

Sam smiles behind his mask and nods. He then looks around and quickly caught an ice cream stall near their seat, "Wait here, I'll go get ice cream for you. It'll help you feel better." he says while standing up.

But Kana stops him by holding his hand, looking up at him in worry, "No, I'll go get it for us. I don't want people to recognize you."

Sam's eyes turn crescent as he squeezes the younger's hand in reassurance, "It's fine. I'll go. The ice cream stall is right over there. You can see it from here. I'll give you a signal if I have any difficulty later, alright?" he leans and kisses the younger's forehead through the fabric, "I'll be right back."

Kana's vision automatically fSam Sam's that is now hurriedly going to the ice cream stall. His doe eyes continue to pay full attention to Sam as he doesn't mind his surroundings.

Suddenly, someone taps Kana's shoulder, surprising him and looks towards the person who just touches him, "Can I help you?" he asks politely.

In front of Kana, is a tall Caucasian man who looks like in his late 20s with brunette curly hair and blue eyes. The stranger smiles before shyly fixing his thin-framed glasses, "Hi, I'm sorry to disturb you. But, I can't seem to move my attention from you. Is it possible if we try to know each other?"

Kana blinks a few times feeling surprised at this stranger's intention. Never thought that he will get approached by someone in the middle of a date. Kana let out a nervous laugh before rejecting in a gentle manner, "I'm sorry but I must decline. You see, I already have a boyfriend. We came here together."

The stranger's smile fades as he continues to gaze at Kana in hope, "Then, can we at least try to be an acquaintance?"

Kana let out an apologetic smile and was about to reject again when Sam suddenly came and stand in front of him, "Can I help you? Why are you disturbing my boyfriend?" Sam's domineering aura seeps out from him as to protect his dandelion, silently threatening the stranger to back away.

The action makes Kana a bit taken aback. He tilts his head upwards to look at the older's expression. The sight looks quite funny for Kana, he tries to hold out his laugh as he sees the half-hidden face of Sam's jealousy with ice creams in both hands. The stranger, however, begins to pale as he sees Sam's sharp onyx eyes. The brunette mutters an apology and walks away from the couple in a speed of lighting, frightened by the older's intimidation.

Safe Haven - Book One [BxB|18+]✓Where stories live. Discover now