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Please feel free to correct my writings! :)

Up with your turret
Aren't we just terrified?
Shale, screen your worry from what you won't ever find

Bon Iver & St. Vincent - Roslyn


Kana finally comes out from the doctor's office with a prescription in hand. It's nothing serious, he just needs to rest and avoid running and jumping for the next 2 weeks. He proceeds to go to the hospital pharmacy to take the prescribed medicine.

Once it's done, Kana goes towards Levi, who patiently waits for him, and slowly walks along the white hallway towards Vin's room. The smell of disinfectant swirling on the space and a lady voice on the speaker can be seldomly heard. The young writer turns to look at the stoic man, "Uhm, is it really necessary for me to have a bodyguard at all times? Doesn't Sam need you more than I do?"

Sam ended up dropping both Kana and Levi at the hospital since the younger encouraged the latter to stick with his schedule. He felt bad for constantly keep on hindering  Sam's work.

The bodyguard moves his gaze to the young writer, "Sir Sakda is capable of taking care of himself. He has several black belts in martial arts and is capable of using firearms."

Kana's doe eyes widen in amazement, "I shouldn't be surprised about that information. I know he's strong but I never thought he's that... capable."

Levi nods, "Sir Sakda is trained to be able to defend himself. You do not have to worry about his wellbeing, Kana. As long as he's not in the public places whereas there are many people around, then he will be safe. Besides, Jay is there to take care of him and the filming crews for sure stationed their own bodyguards for him. You are more vulnerable in my opinion. It is not safe for you to be alone with Charles freely roaming around in the city."

The young writer sigh and nods, not wanting to go against Sam's wish. After all, he's already agreed to not forbid the older anymore. He honestly just wants everything to be over. Sam promised to stop once Charles is caught, right? So there shouldn't be any problem anymore. Kana can only hope the older will keep his words to stop once the latter gets whatever he wishes for. He doesn't want the adonis heart to hurt any deeper.

Both of them finally reach one of the many white doors at the hall that written the number they have been looking for. Levi informed Kana that he will stand outside and wait for the latter.

Kana nods and proceed to open the door. He slowly walks passes other patients towards Vin's corner. Once he reaches the spot, his eyes instantly watered, looking at his best friend weakly lay on the patient bed. A caucasian woman with long brunette hair and hazel eyes stands up from her seat beside Vin, who is unconscious, "Kana, you're finally here. Vin is currently sleeping right now."

The young writer gives a faint smile to her as he comes closer while trying to hide his limping as to not worry the woman any further, "Hey, Julie. How are you doing?"

The brunette nods as she reciprocates the smile to the young writer, "I'm doing great. Vin is also doing fine," she says as she fondly gazes back to her sleeping boyfriend, "He looks so peaceful when he's asleep like this. But once he wakes up, he will instantly turn into nagging aunty." she chuckles and gently stroke Vin's black hair, "I hope he gets better soon so we can continue our bickering sessions."

Kana silently looks at the couple, his heart begins to get heavy due to him feeling guilty. He knows all of this must've been related to him. The young writer mutters, "I'm sorry, Julie. It must be because of me that this has happened to him."

Safe Haven - Book One [BxB|18+]✓Where stories live. Discover now