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Please feel free to correct my writings! :)

So don't stop, no I don't have a headache any more
I see nothing any more but you, you must find that stupid
But it's okay I think that I can go to sleep peacefully
Now that I have written that everything seems easier

Oscar Anton (ft. Clementine) - nuits d'éte (English Translation)


The afternoon greyed cloud accompanies both Kana and Vin as they visit Shane's cafe. The taller man suggests for them to go out and have some sweets to lighten up the younger's mood. It was also because he got an urgent business back in his studio and Vin didn't want to leave Kana in the penthouse alone.

It's already passed lunchtime, almost dusk even. Vin thought Shane might be able to persuade Kana to have early dinner with him as well since the blonde is more persuasive than himself. The taller man already tried so hard, begged Kana to eat lunch with him, but instantly back away when he saw the younger's about to cry. He's never the one who can force his best friend to do something he doesn't want to. Shane is better in that category than him.

Kana agreed to stay at the cafe at least until Sam's finish with his schedules. He already informed the older and Sam agreed to pick him up at the cafe. The two men go into the cosy space and sit on the young writer's usual spot. Kana turns his head and notices that Sophie keeps on looking at him. The young writer smiles warmly at her and gives a small wave, making Vin looks towards the direction and follows the younger's gesture. Sophie smiles back to both men as she approaches them, "Nice to finally see you two." She then turns to look at her past crush, "I haven't seen you in a long time, Kana."

Kana hums with a smile that never leaves his face, "Nice finally meet you again, Sophie. What's the special cake for today?"

Sophie glances at the menu, "We have a special apple pie for the holiday. Do you want to try that?"

Kana tilts his head, contemplating his decision. He then eventually nods, "That would be nice. Thank you for the recommendation."

Sophie smiles back as he let out a relief sighs, "With a chamomile tea, right?" Kana nods in affirmation. She then turns her attention to Vin, "You. What do you want?"

Vin clicks his tongue, "What a striking way to show favouritism. He's the one who breaks your heart into tiny million particles of dust, but you still so harsh to me." he motions the young writer with his thumb. Kana lightly slaps the taller man, motioning not to speak about it. But it seems Vin doesn't get his message, "What? That's the truth! She's been crushing on you for like, what? More than 2 years?" he says as he turns to the blonde girl.

Sophie rolls her eyes, "I've already moved on, okay? The wound is healing." The blonde then turns her attention to the quiet Kana, "Don't worry, Kana. I'm alright now so you don't have to try to be careful with me."

Kana hums as he let out an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry for not sorting out our feelings first before starting another relationship, Sophie. It's not my intention to hurt or unappreciated your feelings."

Sophie smiles, "It's okay, Kana. You don't have to apologize. I was the one who kept on pressuring you to reciprocate my feelings when you clearly told me about your sexuality. For that, I'm sorry for the stubbornness and to keep on pushing you to like me back."

Kana nods, accepting the apology. Sophie giggles and then turn her attention again to Vin, "So? Are you ordering?"

Vin pouts, "No. I came here just to drop Kana off. I have something urgent to tend to. Where's Shane, anyway? I didn't see him anywhere."

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