Chapter 34: A Safe Night

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I walk out of the dojo where I've been going for my aikido training for the past eight years, tired and slightly sad. Tonight was my last session with them, considering that Splinter has knowledge on aikido and is training me in being a kunoichi this was the most sensible choice forward. There's also the fact that with the Aikido training I have to walk out at night, by myself and well I'm not as fond of the idea as I used to be. 

Clutching my bag, still dressed up in my hakama and everything, I survey the streets with nervous tension. Foot ninja? No, not here. Ghosts? Not here either. Japanese girls with leather jackets? Nope.

I think to the shinto charm that I've tied to my bag and then that ancient coin I got ages ago when my Dad left. It's a go-yen, five yen, which is seen to be good luck in Japan, I had popped it on a necklace in hopes that maybe it will help with my whole ghost situation. 

I never was one for superstition but then my life got weird.

Taking in a deep breath, I take a step into the streets, doing yet another survey of the area to see if something is going to jump out of me now. 


Ok then. 

I continue to walk, nervous and tensed. I should call someone, so that if something bad happens to me then they can hear it, or maybe even facetime them. But then that means I won't be paying much attention to my surroundings and that's a bad idea.

I turn a corner and a hand clamps on my shoulder. Without hesitation, I whip around, grabbing the person's arm and putting it in a lock. I'm about to shove this person onto the ground when I'm put a stop, their face surprising me. 

"Wait, Raph?" 

He takes my moment of hesitation and does a sweeping kick, sending me onto the ground. I lay there groaning. 

"You need to stay on your toes Damsel!"

"Don't you get tired of beating me up?"

"Nope." He chuckles and offers me a hand which I accept. I dust myself off. 

"So to what do I owe the pleasure, Raph?" I ask looking down at him. "I thought we said we weren't doing training today?" 

He shrugs, "Leo wanted to do a patrol, got bored, thought that you might be getting beaten up or chased so figured I should check-in." 

"So not only am I being stalked by bad people and ghosts but I'm being stalked by Raphael himself. 

"You ain't hard to find." 


"Yeah I could smell you from ten blocks away, you stink." 

I go to hit him but he ducks out of the way, smirking, "we should probably work on your speed." 

"We should probably work on you not being an ass." I counter, he looks at me amused. "What?" 

"Usually you're quiet and boring. Now you're not."

"I guess compared to you everyone is quiet." 

"Damn who hurt you Damsel?" 

"You did with your training regime." I take a second to survey the area again. Still empty, still quiet. But I rather not stay here for any longer... I can't be certain if people are on the search for me or not. "I'm headed home, you can come with if you want." 

"Eh, whatever." He says walking beside me now. "How did dance practice go?" 

"It's Aikido, not dancing!" 

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