Chapter 23: Paying it Forward

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They let me go home last night. Allowing me to rest and recover. Leo tried to insist on looking over me today, but I told him no, that I'll be back in the lair to treat Donnie so they don't need to waste their time keeping an eye on me. I also added that Casey will be accompanying me since I still don't know how to get to their home. 

He should be here soon. 

That is, if he chooses to be here on time. 

I breathe out, tapping my desk as I stare at my laptop screen with my email open and no message composed. I skipped school again today, and the courteous person in me is saying that I need to email my teachers about my absence because I forgot to last time, also I don't know if they've been calling either of my parents about my absences. I hope that hasn't been the case, I don't want to make my Mum worry and... Well, I don't want to give my Dad a reason to make contact. 

I pull myself together, straightening my posture as I poise my fingers over the keys ready to type my excuse. I stare at that blinking bar, determined, and yet no words are appearing on the screen.

Come on it's not that hard. 

Just say you were sick. 

That's the best way to describe what had happened. 

Still, no words fill the screen, my fingers remaining poised. 

I stare at the screen for a moment before quickly changing windows. I slouch and put my chin in my hand as I scroll through a webpage full of security features; cameras, alarms, locks. Splinter's words haven't left my mind and with that my paranoia has increased. Sure he tells me he'll have the turtles look over me but that still doesn't make me feel safe in my own home. 

My phone calls for my attention, a new text message replacing the older ones I got during the day. 

Yo Sparks I'm in the lobby

I pocket my phone and shut my laptop, shoving it into a random satchel bag I grab. I look around my room wondering if there's anything here that'll be of an added help to Donnie's situation but nothing jumps to mind. So I grab my keys and leave, locking up after me. I take the lift and walk out into the lobby, strolling by the potted plants and weird fancy mirrors. Casey waves at me in greeting from his spot by the entrance. 

"Hey there Sparky, you ready?" 

I nod getting closer to him, "you do have the stuff right?" 

"Casey Jones has that covered." He claims, patting his bag.

"It is the right stuff, right? Did you compare them to the labels and images that I sent you?" 

He sighs, "Kayla I got everything you asked, trust the Casey Jones." 

"Casey Jones can be pretty untrustworthy. Are you sure you got the right stuff though? You got the receipts right?" 

"Why would I keep the receipts?" 

I stare at him, "for in case you bought the wrong stuff! And so I can check." 

"Oh my god, you can just check them now." He swings the bag in front of him and unzips it, shoving it into my face. He gave me barely a second to register its contents before he takes it back and zips it back up. "See? I got everything. Now let's goooo." He turns and steps outside, starting off to the boys' lair. I take one step out of the apartment complex and I pause. My eyes go to the rooftops of the nearby buildings, glancing into the pockets of shadows that are the alleyways, darting from face to face of every passerby, taking extra care to observe their expressions. 

My hand grips the strap of my bag, my lips press into a thin line. I tentatively take another step out into the street, still surveying my surroundings. I begin to register a slight tightness in my chest. I look behind me. No, no one in the lobby. 

My Mutation (TMNT FANFIC) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now