Chapter 19: Red Rage

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"What's been up with you lately?" Nina demands with her hands on her hips and eyes narrowed. Beside her is Lexi and together we're standing outside of the school gates, our peers walking by us in an endless stream chatting to one another as they all head home.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused, not understanding why she's so peeved off.

"This is the second time you're blowing us off and the day before yesterday you just kicked us out of your place."

"...I think she told us to leave." Alexis puts awkwardly, clearly uncomfortable in this situation.

"My point exactly. You've also missed out one day of school for no reason!"

I blink looking from Nina to Lexi and back again, feeling slight guilt creep into my heart. In a way I guess I have been blowing them off a bit... Especially with how distracted I've been with my research and having Leo and Mikey over. Maybe I could spend a bit of time with them now...? Then again, it's supposed to be Raph's turn today and I'm worried that if I'm not home he'll get mad at me which is something I don't want that.

"Nina seriously, this isn't that big of a deal." Lexi tells Nina now making it appear that the taller blonde is overreacting. "Kayla doesn't have to walk with us all the time, we still see her at school. She's not 'blowing us off'." Nina just rolls her eyes at Lexi, obviously not having any of it.

"I bet you she's ditching us for Sean." She practically spits out his name as if it were poison her face harbouring a look of disgust; a reaction that I definitely wasn't expecting whatsoever. I just stood there, incredibly unsure as to what I should say or do right now. But Nina gives me a glare before turning away stalking off. Lexi looks at me and shrugs, she waves which I return and then she follows after Nina probably to question her on what had just happened and why she's in the mood she's in.

Turning away from them I make my own way home, pulling my denim jacket closer to my body as the autumn breeze wraps around me. My eyes glance down at my clenched hands, focusing on the bandaged arm. Just one more week left of it, thank god.

I get to the bus stop, hopping on to the vehicle as it pulls in. Not much time passes until I'm getting into my empty apartment, my eyes flickering from the undisturbed scene to the screen of my phone. No messages from any parents. No sign that they're okay. My shoulders slump a little and I pocket the phone, walking into my room and throwing my bag to the side. Raph isn't here yet so I set myself down at my desk opening up my laptop. I go back to the sites I was on that had the information for Donnie- Casey's already given me most of the supplies I need I just need him to give me the medication now and then I can finally go and treat Donnie myself. Sure the things I've instructed the boys to do are beneficial but they won't be enough, but with all the supplies I'll have soon he should be up and running again within a few days.

Just as I sent Casey the list of medication needed I hear the sound of my window opening making me whip around to see that it was only Raph that's climbing in. I let out a breath, trying to steady my heart. I thought it was some lunatic that was breaking in.

"What?" He demands at me staring.

"You... You could have knocked." I say quietly, feeling a little tense and nervous now with him being here. He rolls his eyes at me and walks over to my bed, setting himself down so that he can read the comic he pulls out.

Me being the socially awkward person I am continues to keep staring at him, unsure on what exactly I should be doing now. Do I ignore him? Do I talk to him? If I talk to him what do I say? 'How's your book'? No, that might annoy him, I don't want to annoy him that will make him hate me.

I don't want him to hate me.

It looks like he really hates people when he hates them.

"Are you just going to keep on staring at me Damsel?" He asks nonchalantly not looking up from his book. I gulp feeling an embarrassed blush spread from my cheeks.

"S- sorry, I didn't mean-," Wait, what did he just call me? "Did you just call me 'damsel'?"


I frown, not exactly liking being called that but my anxiety held me back from being too annoyed, "can you please not call me that? Maybe you don't remember, my name's actually-"

"I know what your name is." He cuts me off, making me deepen my frown. "Damsel just fits you better."

"Well... That's a bit rude." I say carefully picking my words to not come off unsophisticated.

"Don't care, it's true."

"No... No it's not." I slowly cross my arms as I narrow my gaze at him slightly.

In response he lowers his magazine and looks at me over it, raising a brow, "every time we've met you were in trouble and someone saved your butt."

"And there's been times where I wasn't in need of rescue." Comes my reply in a level tone.

"The amount of times you've had us save your butt is unhealthy." He says going back to his magazine. "Can you even fight?"

"I can, I just can't fight right now because of my arm. I'm a third dan in aikido, so once my arm is all better I can look after myself."

"Sure thing Damsel." He doesn't believe me. He just turns away from me his eyes landing on something on the other side of my bed, away from my view. Before I can ask him what's interesting him, he picks up the bokken my dad left behind. He shows it to me as if I have never seen it before. "You're going to look after yourself with dancing and a wooden sword?"

I narrow my eyes at the weapon, feeling distaste as I look at it, "put that down." I say tersely, my anxiety dissipating.

He looks rather surprise, obviously not expecting that reaction from me over some weapon, "do you even know how to use this?" He just asks, ignoring my command.

"I do, now put it down."

"Show me."

"I've got an injured arm Raphael, put down the sword."

"You can still swing a sword, c'mon Damsal show me what you got."

I stand and march over to him, looking down into his green eyes. The look in his eyes tells me he wants to fight, have a go, prove me that I'm wrong about being able to look after myself. But I don't care what he thinks regarding that topic, I've done eight years of Aikido. I know what I can and cannot do in that regard.

So instead of doing what he wants, I refuse his challenge by taking the bokken from his grasp and walking away- opening up my closet doors to throw the weapon in so that it can remain out of sight.

"Whatcha did that for?" I can hear the confusion in his words but I decide not to answer him as I go back to my laptop, my back to him.

"Nothing." I feel cold now, the subject of my father's leaving now at the forefront of my thinking, I purse my lips. "If you're hungry there's some chips under the kitchen island counter, if you're thirsty there's some glasses above the microwave. I'm going to do some work."

I feel like I've intrigued him, the air between us seems to have changed. But if he's curious in my sudden mood change he doesn't vocalize it. We stay in silence for the next several hours, neither of us coming up with a topic of conversation to get to know one another. The only noise that either one of us makes is Raphael moving my window up so that he can disappear off into the night, leaving me alone. 


Despicable by Grandson 

(so sorry for the long wait of this chapter, I'll try and get the next couple out as quickly as possible >.<)

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