Chapter 38: A Recap

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Since that night with Sean... Well without Sean I should say, I've been throwing myself more into my research and study. Both in the book and that little mutated creature I had discovered, because if I'm not looking at two things at once then how can I possibly have the time to think of anything else?

Yeah, no I still end up thinking about the other stuff. 

When I hadn't been wondering about the contents of the book, I had been thinking about the creature - studying it, observing it, wondering how exactly did the mutagen affect it. Is the creature's DNA a complete 50/50 of salamander and koi fish? 

But of course, during those few moments where I'm not thinking about either thing my mind drifts over to, well, him. 


He hugged me and said nice things to me, and what makes it all the more meaningful was that he actually used my name instead of his dumb nickname for me. 

Why had I been so scared of him previously? I used to think he was so big and scary but the more of him I see, the more I interact with him, it becomes clear to me that he's nothing more than a big softie hiding behind a hard shell. 

At some point during my busy schedule, I end up at the lair with questions at hand and a hope for some answers. I've been working on unveiling this weird mystery of my Dad and The guardians on my own for too long now, I... I need a second opinion, I need to be more forthcoming with the things I know so that the boys can help me and that they're aware of what exactly is going on. 

But as I stare at Donnie's lab, uncertainty creeps into my mind, my hands clenching tighter on the papers that I had brought with me. 

No... I... I don't want to bother him. This is stupid, it would be better if I present him with answers instead of questions. Those are more useful afterall, I clearly haven't been working hard enough. I need to get back to the drawing board. 

I make a turn about to leave but once again I hesitate. 

If Raph could hear my thoughts right now he would whack me and drag me over to Donnie, all the while yelling about how stupid I'm being. 

I... I need to be more sure about myself. I need to make my decision and just stick to it. 

So I take in a deep breath and square my shoulders, walking into Donnie's lab to finally catch him up with everything that's going on. 


After a talk, we stand in silence, our attention now focused on the papers and material I had bought with me to show him. They lay spread out on his table, copies of passages of the book, the woodblock prints, some of my own notes about the book that could potentially relate to our current situation.

"Ok let's go over what we know so far," I say, needing a chance to look at all of this in perspective. "Let's start off simple." 

"Well from the timing of things we can say your father made a discovery that most likely started everything." He says, taking the copy of the letter and sliding it over to one side of the desk. "And then you mentioned you got chased by the dragon and the purple dragons." 

"Yes. Hun tried to kill me" I affirmed, glancing down to my scarred arm. "And then Karai tried to recruit me."

"Then there was the earthquake and the dragon appears again." 

"Promptly followed by my Dad leaving." 

Donnie takes that chance to highlight parts of the letter, scribbling some annotations by them. 

I can't help but bite one of my nails in thought, frowning. "So," I start off, "there must have been an escalation in his situation if he chose to leave then and not earlier." 

My Mutation (TMNT FANFIC) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now