Chapter 27: History Notes

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"Hey Kay! Have you found it yet?"

I open up my locker and look over to Alexis who stands beside me, beaming. Nina is standing slightly behind her, raising an eyebrow at the shorter girl.

"Found what?" I sigh preparing myself for whatever bad joke is going to come out of her.

"Your honour!"

I groan as Alexis burst into giggles. Glancing over to my arm I twinge, I got the bandages taken off the other day revealing the scar that curls around my arm, stretched and wrapped over my elbow and shoulder making it slightly harder to move now.

"Alexis that's incredibly insensitive!" Nina hisses, her face scrunches up in shock and irritation at the comment.

"What? It's like Zuko from Avatar! Kayla got burnt on one side of her body just like Zuko."

"Can I please just have my jacket back?" I sigh. She hands it over and I take a moment to look at the owl she had painted on the back of it.

"You can't say she's similar to Zuko just because she got her arm burnt."

"Well I mean... There's other reasons." Alexis says. Immediately my head snapped to look at her in the eyes. She gives me a bit of a wide eyed look as she just catches herself from making the comparison of... Well how Zuko and I both have absent parents. "Like... Well you know..."

Nina easily fills in the gaps and rolls her eyes, "so you can only think of trauma related reasons?"

"Hey you said it not me!"

I pull the jacket on and gather the books I need from my locker. I take a second to glance down and check the subjects I have in my hand before I go to slam the door shut, but I do a double take as something catches my eye. That damn book again. That leather bounded book. How did it even get here?

I frown, closing my door slowly as if I could catch it move before it's out of sight.

"Kayla is absolutely not Zuko, she's Katara if anyone."

I catch on to the conversation as we start to walk down the hall to our morning lessons, the thought of that book lingering in the back of my mind, nagging at me.

"No! Zuko!"

"You can't just say a person is like someone based on their looks!"

"Sure I can, I just did."

I sense Nina's frustration as she sighs, I glance at her to see her pinching the bridge of her nose, she quickly looks to Alexis who's walking on the other side of me, her eyes stern.

"If Kayla is Zuko then that's like saying you're Katara!"

"You're saying I'm Katara?"

"No. If anyone, you're Momo."

I give it a thought, "nah she's Sokka. She has the bad humour."

"Not the intelligence." Nina pointedly puts her nose up in the air and I look to Alexis seeing a frown on her face. She opens her mouth and before I even have the chance to interject and calm her down a voice calls out to me.


I turn just in time for a blur of a figure to slam into me, arms wrapped around me in a boa constrictor hug. My books fall to the ground as I stumble back slightly from the sheer force. Peering over the person's shoulder I see an amused Casey standing a bit away.


She pulls back and has her hands on my shoulders, blue eyes sparkling. April O'neil smiles at me.

My Mutation (TMNT FANFIC) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now