Chapter 37: Not My Night, Not My Week, Not my Month

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The week after that party was the most self-conscious I had felt in a long time. I spent the whole time trying my best to keep my head down low, avoiding any and all eye contact with Casey, April and Irma, and I would have avoided Nina too if it weren't for the fact that she was sick.

"Kay, I promise you no one saw. No one pays attention to us, you're ok." Alexis tries to reassure me, her voice gentle as well.

I swallow, keeping my eyes on the ground as we walk the school hallways, pulling my jacket closer to me.

She continues on, already knowing I'm a bit too stressed to talk, "you know there's nothing wrong with liking boys and girls right?"

I nod, "y- yeah, yeah... I know... It's just that..."

"It was in public." I nod at that. "And you don't want a lot of people knowing."

I nod at that as well.

And there was another pause before Alexis talked again, "and you gave no indication that you wanted that to happen."

Again I swallow, "you're making it sound a bit bad Lexi..."

"I mean... Nina already knew about all this shit, she knows what you like and she knows you find public displays of affection scary."

"She seemed pretty far gone..."

"Which was also really freaky! If I were the one drinking she would have you know! Acted all annoying and stuff about it and say something kinda mean."

"Let's just... Let's just call it a weird night and leave it..."

I would have loved to spend that week being invisible to everyone - avoiding all those that I would normally talk to for fear that they knew what happened on that Friday night. But there was one person that I couldn't avoid, and really it was mainly because I sought him out.

"Sean!" I called as I weave my through the busy hallway, people yanking bags out of lockers and slamming the doors shut to rush home. He turns to look at me, sports bag in hand as if to say he's about to go to training. I take in a breath as I look at him, standing up just a little bit straighter. "Um. Hi."

He laughs, "hi there Kayla."

"I have a question."

"Ok, shoot."

"Did you... Did you mean it when you said you were going to ask me out?" I ask quietly, I watch him as he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, glancing away from me for a moment before looking back with a sheepish grin on his face.

"Um y- yeah."

I blink.

Then I frowned slightly.

"Was it... Was it because I was having a panic attack..?"


"Y- you know you don't have to go out with me right?"

"I- I know!"

I'm kind of confused here.

There's a beat of silence before Sean broke it with his nervous tone, "so uh... Is a date still on the table...?"


This stuff isn't supposed to happen to me.

I swallow, "would... Would you like it to still... Be on the table?"

"Is that ok...?" He asks.

I have no idea what to do here.

"S- sure..." I stutter out. His face breaks out into a grin, an excited spark in his eye.

My Mutation (TMNT FANFIC) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now