Chapter 8: Attacked

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I instantly relaxed as soon as we walk out of school. My stress fading away with each step we take away from the building and my fellow peers. I take off the jacket and hand it back to Nina just as she went her own way home leaving Lexi in my company as we continue walking, my bandaged arm exposed to her curiosity. With just one glance at it she instantly hits me with a question. 

"So how long is that gonna take to heal?" She queries. 

"Some weeks." 

"That sucks." 


A frown pulls at her face, "not gonna go into painful detail about the injury and what it's going to mean for your body or whatever?" She wonders. 

I shrug, "guess not." 

She narrows her brown eyes at me, not liking my answer in the slightest, "do we need a rooftop talk Kay?" 

I just look at her with a blank expression on my face deciding not to answer that. We stop walking and she invades my personal space as she leans in a bit too close, hands slamming down on my shoulders as she starts shaking me

"I said do we need a rooftop talk?!" She exclaims in a louder tone. I yell back in pain the skin of my left shoulder still rather fragile, she instantly lets go of me, "sorry." She voices.  "But seriously, rooftop talk?" 

"It doesn't seem I have much of a choice in that." I wince and gingerly rub my bandaged shoulder deciding it best to take the strap of my bag off that shoulder. 

Rooftop talks was something that Alexis and I did during pretty much all of middle school. People were bullying me then and she was facing pressure from her mum so we  both just sought out refuge in talking about our problems to each other on my rooftop under the night sky. It was peaceful and relaxing for the both of us and for just a brief moment it would make us think that our problems were small and nonexistent. Which, in retrospect, they were. 

We head  to my apartment. Lexi, knowing that I'm not in the most talkative mood, then started reciting some story of her embarrassing herself in front of some guy. I just nod along to it, indicating that I'm interested in what happened. Minutes later we're at my flat, throwing our bags into my room before making our preferred beverages, for Lexi some milkshake and for me it was of course coffee. We head  up to the roof, my Dad not being home which luckily gave Lexi no reason to pop in his study and say something. 

"So what is up in the world of Kayla Eliza Smith?" She demands, our legs dangling off the roof and our beverages in hand. She goes to punch me in the shoulder but stops when seeing my arm. She drops her hand.  

"I think- No, I know that my Dad has been cheating." I say, taking a sip. "When I was in the hospital I overheard him talking about leaving mum and I." 

Alexis stares at me with wide eyes. She blinks and then turns to look out ahead of us, "damn." 

"Yeah, it's shit." I mutter. 

"Never expected S-man to be that kind of guy."

"You and me both."

"Does your Mum know?" I hear her ask. I just take another sip mulling it over. With them fighting during the weeks leading up to her leave it may imply that she was suspicious of my Dad doing something but that doesn't necesarrily mean that she's in the know.

"She doesn't know that he's going to leave but they've been fighting ever since he got back from his most recent trip to Japan." I answer.

"Are you going to tell her?"

I chew my lip in thought, casting my eyes down at the drink in hand. I know telling her would hurt her and that's something I do not want to do in the slightest. But on the other hand... I can't keep this from her, she has a right to know.

My Mutation (TMNT FANFIC) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now