Chapter 36: Partying is not my scene

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Green and glowing Kazuno sits before me in the darkness of my mind. 

"Kazuno." I take in a deep breath, it was about time this worked. "Is what he wrote in the book true? Is Oroku Saki looking to kill me just to control the dragon?"

"So you are reading the book." 

"Please answer me." 

"Yes, he wishes to control the dragon. But that is not the full plan." 

"Then what is it?" 

"The sword can control many souls. What he seeks are destruction and power." 

"Is there anything more you can tell me? Why did you ask me to come with you that night? Why not just kill me?" 

Her spirit flickers before me but I don't let that deter from my questions.

"Where is the sword? Can it be destroyed?" 

"Finish the book." 

With those parting words, my concentration breaks and I open my eyes to see Master Splinter sitting in front of me, soft light drifting into the room. 

He then opens his own eyes. 

"Your focus is improving." He tells me.

"Thank you Sensei." 

"Did you learn anything?" 

I slump slightly, thinking. I only just got her to answer me this time, all of my previous attempts at meditation, at communicating her weren't nearly as successful. But still, I wouldn't call this a success. 

"I didn't learn what I wanted to," I say, "but I guess... I guess I learned how to talk to her and to come up with better questions to ask." 

"Your questions will be answered in time, do not threat." He pauses, "but maybe threat a little, your connection with her may be what saves you from Shredder's plan." 

I nod in understanding. 

"That will be all for today Kayla, you are free to go." 

"Thank you Sensei." I bow to him and rise, walking out of the dojo and into the main part of the lair. I go over to the couch where the boys are gathered watching some anime on their TV. I only give it a glance before grabbing my bag and taking my phone out, wincing as I look at the time. 

"Hey are you guys ok if I use the shower?" I ask. 

"Down the hall," Donnie says, 

Raph lets out a snort, "got a date or something?" 

"No, a party actually." 

"You get invited to parties?" 

"Is that so hard to believe?" 

He glances at me, giving me a look before he looks back at the screen, "yeah, you're pretty lame Damsel." 

"Well Raph, got any parties to be at this Friday night?" 

When he doesn't answer me I let myself smile a little as I say the following, "so I guess you're the lame one here Raph." 

"Ooooh you just got burneddddd!" Mikey sings out as Raph rolls his eyes. 

"Can you guys shush? It's about to get good!" Leo says seriously. 

I leave the boys to their show, taking my shower to wash off the sweat of the day's activities as I slip into a change of clothes that I hope are good enough for a party/gig. And with that I leave, saying goodbye to the boys as I make my way over to the destination, butterflies in my stomach. 

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