Chapter 16: Seeing Saviours

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Turtles... Giant, humanoid talking turtles. 

I should be honestly more confused than I am but right now everything just makes a lot more sense. Well aside from them having weapons, but apart from that things make sense now. 

"So..." I say slowly looking from turtle to the next. "You're the ones that saved me from Murakami's... and that weird girl..." I look over in the direction where I heard Raphael's voice, my eyes seeing his electric green ones and the red mask surrounding them. He regards me in cold and closed fashion, his arms crossed. "And you're the one that saved me from those horde of ninjas." 

"We just said that, you're done gawking now?" Raphael snaps at me. I blink, taken aback by his attitude. But considering his brother is in danger I guess that he's rather stressed out. Then there's also the fact that they're all probably weary of humans seeing them, for good reason too. 

"Don't mind him." Says the more authoritative one. His eyes are as blue as the ocean with a mask to match. "I'm Leonardo, that's Raphael and that's Michelangelo." The turtle with the orange mask waves at me in cheerily fashion which I return rather awkwardly. "But you can just call us Leo, Mikey and Raph. We really appreciate you coming down and having a look at our brother; Donnie but we'd also appreciate it if you don't tell anyone else about us." He pauses. "Like at all. 

I nod in understanding, "yeah that' fair.  I'm Kayla by the way, and you guys have saved me countless times so me doing this is the least I can do. But uh, I'm no doctor just saying I can only offer  minimal amount of help in this situation." 

"We'll still appreciate it." Leonardo tells me giving me a small smile. "Just come with me." 

I nod and follow him, leaving behind his brothers and Casey. He takes me down a hallway cast in shadows, him making a beeline to the closest door on the right. He pulls open the door and lets me walk in first before following me in a gently closing the door after so that we have some privacy. 

There's even less light here, my eyes only able to make out little bits and pieces of the room. I can see that several books have been stacked in piles around the room giving me an indication so to the type of person- turtle, I'm helping. I wander over to the bed, looking down at the sleeping turtle and light is soon cast on features thanks to Leonardo turning on the bedside lamp. 

The first thing I notice is that Donnie is without a mask, the second is the swelling at the front part of his neck. I frown and bend over him to expect it more closely, touching it lightly. He seems to be pale as well but I'm not sure if that's his natural skin tone or not, another thing I note is how his arm is twitching slightly. I take out my phone and immediately note these things down as well as how often his arm's twitching to get some form of an idea as to what's wrong with him. I then go and place my hand on his forehead, his skin feeling too cold to touch. Pocketing my phone I then touch Leonardo's forehead. 

"Wha- uh... What are you doing?" He asks me confused. 

"I'm comparing your temperatures." I justify. "You guys are mutants and turtles so I don't know what would be a normal temperature for you lot. But as you seem to be in perfect health I can say that Donnie's temperature is cold."

"So what does that mean?" 

"I don't know yet." I answer. I grab my phone once more and turn on the torch light before opening up one of Donnie's eyes, their brown irises stare back at me as I watch the pupil. I do then do the same with the other eye. 


"There's something wrong with his head." I say straightening up and pocketing my phone. I turn to the blue masked turtle. "Due to the lack of direct response of his cranial nerves I have to think that there's maybe some damage done to his nerves or something like trauma I believe..." 

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