Chapter 2: Confusing Thoughts

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I'm finally back home, dressed in far more comfortable clothes with my hair drape over my shoulders soaking wet from the shower I just had. In front of me, perched on my desk is my laptop and beside me a cup of hot chocolate. Usually when I'm working on something I would opt for coffee but as it's night time and I have a test first thing tomorrow I decided on the hot chocolate. And there's also the factor of me being chased by a bunch of purple dragons that helped to decide on the beverage. 

But even with the hot chocolate and the essay in front of me, I can't relax. My mind is far too distracted by what has just happened. That green flash... That mist thing. The Purple Dragons.... 

The flash and mist thing had to be the products of some experiment or maybe apart of some film student's project; and if that's so props off to them. But the Purple Dragons presence still remains nonsensical. They just started chasing after me and as far as I'm concern there was no reason as to why that had to happen. It was very much out of the blue. 

But those thoughts aren't the main culprit for why I can't focus on my work. Oh no, it's the shouting coming from my parents. They've been at it for a while now and judging by the pitching of my mother's tone it's going to end soon. They've been fighting a lot lately these past few months, for what reason was another thing I can't figure out. All I know was that it started when my dad returned back from his most recent trip to Japan, the two of them acting all tense as soon as we were all together. Do I know what the fighting was about? No. And despite my curiosity I've figured that if they want me in the know they will talk to me about it, so for now I'm not poking my nose into it. 

So, to compensate all of the distractions around me I decide that I will out-distract them myself as I put my earphones in, turning the music up to the max so that my thoughts can just disappear and melt into the lyrics even for a brief moment. And without much further ado I allow my fingers to fly over the keyboard as I answer the question of the essay but as the minutes tick by I find that I still can't concentrate; the music no longer keeping my unanswered questions at bay. I let out a sigh and stop typing as my eyes lazily read over the words that are before me. I can't focus. I may as well just read until I need to go to bed, but the opening of my door made me reconsider. 


I take out my earphones and offer him a quizzical look. He's middle-aged, not a single hair on his head and a pair of misty bright green eyes. He has a soft, forced smile on his lips as he looks at me, making his way to my bed which he sits on. I turn my chair around to face him. 

"Are you okay?" I ask him, their screaming match from before sounded more brutal than usual. He just nods.

"Of course sweetie, everything's fine. Your mother just wants me out of the house." He chuckles trying to make his words appear light, but I see through them. 

I decide not to comment on it. 

"So... Where's Mum?" I ask slowly. 

"Out of the house. She'll be back in a while, don't worry." He reassures me. But I don't feel reassured. I hope the outcome of the fight they just had won't lead to a divorce. 

"Ok," I say my voice sounding a bit more timid than I hope for. I clasp my hands as I keep my eyes on my father, my finger tapping the back of my hand out of slight stress.

His smile changes, it seems to have a tinged of sadness as he notices my change of demeanor, "would someone like a story?"

"I'm a bit old for stories Dad." 

"Nonsense, you can never be too old for stories!" 


"Once upon a time in a village of Japan there was a large mountain..." 

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