Chapter 28: Management

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"Thanks so much, Donnie. I really appreciate it." I give him a smile as he hands me a volumetric pipette. I look over it for a second before putting it in my bag which has the weird book. 

He beams at me, "it's no problem. What do you need it for?" 

"Oh you know just for some experiment," I say slowly, he cocks his head slightly, conveying interest in what I have to say. 

"I'm writing a paper on..." I pause trying to quickly think up of something sensible. "On... um chemistry and... bio..." 

He's now frowning slightly only just now showing some sign of confusion. That surprises me, I mean I did just show up without a heads up or anything and just asked him if he has any volumetric pipettes.  

"Gel.. Gel electrophoresis!" 

Ok he looks more confused. 

"What's the chemistry aspect? And why are you doing an experiment on it if you're doing a paper?" 

"Oh well it's biochem really, it's mainly to do with you know genetics and what not. I want to do an experiment because I won't be able to write the paper unless I do the experiment myself." 

"Well wouldn't you rather do it here? I pretty much have everything for that kind of experiment." 

I purse my lips a little and just slowly shook my head, "no... no it's ok." I say, oh dear I think my voice went up. "You know it's pretty much already set up... In the lab... At school..." 

"It's ten o'clock at night." 

"By set up I mean I've already organized a time to do it at school and they've prepared the gel for me and stuff." 

"Oh well ok. Did they not have volumetric pipettes?" 

I shake my head a bit too fast, "no, no. Well not good ones at least. Really bad. Can't even measure right. Actually you can't even get any liquid with them they're so bad." 

"Right... Well um," he gives a little shrug, rubbing the back of his neck, "maybe when you're done with the paper I could read it? O- only if you want. I'm curious about your thoughts."

"Pssh.. Sure, yeah, definitely. A hundred percent." 

Okay so now I actually have to do a gel electrophoresis. And write a paper. 

There's a bang and a loud yell making me jump in surprise. I turn to look towards the door while Donnie lets out a loud groan. 

"They're still fighting?" He wonders aloud as he walks over to the door to look into the lair, I follow him, now curious. 

"Who?" I ask, but I don't need him to answer as I watch an angry Raph stalking away from Leo. Steam seems to rise off of him as he leaves the lair, letting out another angry yell as he kicks something. "Oh... So this a normal thing of their's." I kinda thought they fought with one another because of the stress of Donnie being a coma. Guess not. 

"Yeah.. It started this morning , Raph as usual blew his top off at Leo." 

"What for?" 

He shrugs, looking at me now, "I don't know, he's got such a bad temper that he can just fly off the handle at any moment." 

I frown slightly upon hearing that and a thought occurs to me as I glance to my bag. I grimance slightly, uncertain. 

"Where... Where do you supposed he's headed?" I ask, slowly looking back to Donnie. His brown eyes widen slightly in surprise. 

My Mutation (TMNT FANFIC) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now