Chapter 13: A Cry for Help

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Donnie only got worse. He now resides in his bedroom, not in a slumber but still unable to participate in any activity whether it be social or physical. It has now become a fear of his family that he'll become brain dead more or less. Wanting to make sure that doesn't happen the brothers decided to clean up Donnie's lab and see if they could get any information as to what state he's in and just... Well just about anything really, anything that could help them understand where things are headed and what they can do to help their brother onto the road of recovery. 

Naturally the lab was in a complete mess, chemicals spilled everywhere, shards of glass scattering the floor as if they were a mosaic gone wrong. A heavy and unpleasant scent hung over the place, as if adding more to the foreboding and caliginous atmosphere, making the boys feel more oppressed; their worries seeming to heighten in this new version of the lab. But they have the job to do. They have to find answers on their brother's condition.

They begin to clean, getting rid of the glass and anything else that's broken. The spilled chemicals remain to be untouched yet avoided for the masked terrapins don't quite know how to safely remove them. Though Mikey decides to see if spitting on it and then rubbing it with his hand would do anything, of course both Raph and Leo put a stop to that plan, keen on not wanting to have him get sick like Donnie. 

They do their task in silence, save for Mikey's humming which is his attempt at keeping the mood light. They're enraptured in their task, being careful as to what they throw away and what they keep. And with that, time slips away from them unnoticed. They didn't realize how long they were at it until a loud shout echoed in the lair snapping them out of their job. 


Wondering what his friend wants Raph pops his head outside of the lab, narrowing his green eyes at Casey Jones, almost missing April who's standing next to him. 

"What are you talking about Casey?" He hollers confused, Casey turns to his direction and walks over with April following. 

"Dude you like totally disappeared on me." Casey starts, "yesterday you said you'd meet me in our usual spot, what happened?" 

April however offers up a better question as she looks past Raph to see the lab, her blue eyes widening as she notes the damage and slight mess it's still in, "what did happen?" This then redirects attention and concern on a more important matter than Raph forgetting to meet up with Casey the other night. "And where's Donnie?" Was another question April asks as she walks in. 

Casey mouth drops slightly as he looks over at the lab, Leo and Mikey taking a break from their actions so that they could give their friends their attention. 

"Was this from that earthquake?" Casey asks, walking into the lab itself.

Leo nods, confirming it, "yea, Donnie was working on something to do with mutagen when it happened." 

"Mutagen?" April echoes, now looking much more concerned than before, "is he okay?" 

"Well apart from getting the stuff on him and being forever stuck in his room he's all hunkydory." Raph says in cutting sarcasm. 

Leo shoots him a glare for his insensitivity before looking back at April, "what he means is that Donnie got some of the chemical on him and he's been... Sick." 

"Did he like... Double mutated? Did he turn into the Hulk?!" Casey asks. Mikey instantly perks up. 

"That's what I asked!" 

"No he didn't turn into the Hulk." The leader specifies. "There's just... Something up with his head, we don't know. Sensei doesn't even know. We're cleaning up this place to see if we can find anything useful." 

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