Chapter 29: Esoteric Experiments

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We rush through the tunnels, Raph determined to catch me, myself determined to be free. We make our twists and turns down the tunnels until we reach topside and fatigue starts to set into me. Raph obviously took advantage of this as he lept the remaining feet and tagged me, but either because he's really strong or I'm really clumsy I get pushed forward and the asphalt is rushing up towards me, I hug my bag close to me and twist in the air so that I land on my back, the air getting knocked out of me.

"Wow, you're weak."

I groan in pain.

"Come on, here." He offers me his hand and I grab it, letting him pull me up. Once standing I open up my bag and peer inside, checking to make sure that nothing broke.

"So... What was the point of that?" He asks referring to me spontaneously deciding to play tag. 

I shift the contents in my bag around, I bring out a case and open up revealing a syringe, I hold it up to the light and inspect the barrel carefully.

"I thought that it would help," I tell him, distractedly. I put the syringe back and grab the volumetric pipette Donnie gave me, checking it.

"Help with what? And what the hell are all of those things for?"

"Help to... Relax." Seeing that the pipette is indeed safe and ok I put it back in the bag and glance to Raph. He doesn't seem as bunched up as before. That's good. "And those things are for an experiment I'm going to do."

"Why not do it in Donnie's lab?"

I shrug. "I don't want to use up his supplies or anything like that and..." I hesitate, uncertain as to whether or not I should go on. Doing so would invite more prodding.

"And what?"

"It's fine, it's nothing," I say to him, he frowns at me, green eyes narrowed.

"No, tell me."

"No, it's fine.

"You have a lot of secrets, Damsel."

My heart clenches at hearing the accusation, I twist the satchel of my bag with worry about making him mad. Again. "Secrets? Or do you mean to say you don't know much about me?"

He crosses his arms, "yeah I guess I don't know much about you. If this ain't a secret then you won't have a problem with me watching you do this experiment, huh?"

I wrap the twisted part of my strap around my hand, then I unwrapped it and wrapped it again. My breathing picks up slightly. "I mean, I mean there's nothing wrong with it. But you might be- you might find it boring. What I'm doing is pretty boring and I don't think you'll find it interesting. I mean I don't think it's boring, but you probably would and honestly, it'll last a few hours-"

"Good thing I didn't make any plans tonight. Now come on let's do your not secret experiment."

I stand still, looking at him wrapping the strap even tighter around my hand as if to cut off it's blood flow. No, no this isn't what's suppose to happen. I get my answers and depending on how relevant they are I tell the turtles, but as of now the book is just some dumb thing from Him; therefore nothing to worry the turtles with.

"Well? C'mon! We don't have all night!"

Snapping back to reality I give him a quick nod and turn, starting to head to the direction of the school. My stomach slowly ties itself into knots and my heart starts to throw itself against my chest like it's trying to break free. I try the breathing exercises but they barely helped with my building anxiety. Raph just walks beside me and now I don't know what to do. Do I talk to him? Try for a conversation? He doesn't seem so angry as he was before so what on earth do I do now?

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