Chapter 15: Answering the Cry

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I didn't sleep last night. Not really. I might've had something like a thirty minute nap but I don't recall when. I was just angry and confused full of more questions than answers which I hate.

Yet another coffee is in my hands, the mug warming them as I stare out of the window in the kitchen with such intensity it's as if I'm trying to shatter it with my mind. There's sunlight coming in, it's light bleak and dreary hinting to a cloudy day. I don't care though. I'm not going out today, I'm not going to school. My head is not in a good place to do any work and I'm in no mood whatsoever to deal with human interaction of any kind. So much so that I'm not even looking at my phone, I haven't touched it since after Alexis left when I texted my mum about my new living conditions.

Deciding that staring out of the window wasn't a good use of my time, I carry myself and my coffee over to the lounge, flopping on to the couch and turning on the TV. I went to my default show when I don't want to spend that much time thinking and that of course was Game of Thrones. I curl up in the corner of the couch, watching the deaths of countless character and watching the dragons take flight. I'm so focused on the show that I almost don't hear the sound of my phone; it pinging quite frequently. I ignore it, trying to immerse myself once more into the show. But the noise doesn't stop, instead the pinging changes to the blaring of the chorus of 'We are the Champions' being a dead give away as to who exactly is trying to contact me.

Still I ignore it, I wasn't joking when I said I don't want to deal with people. I just grab the remote and turn up the volume in hopes of drowning out my phone. I go back to sipping my drink, not taking my eyes off the action on screen. The episode plays out but my phone is still making noise, the person being relentless and not giving up. But I'm not going to either. I'll talk to them tomorrow, not today. I need a day to myself.

Eventually my phone stops ringing and I'm left in silence aside from the noise coming from the TV, sighing out of relief I turn down the volume and re-position myself, sinking further into the couch as if I want to disappear from existence. I'm feeling relaxed like this but my sense of bliss only lasts so long before a loud knock is sounded. I shut my eyes and blew out a steady stream of air, very unhappy with my circumstance.

"Sparky! Come on answer me!" Comes the arrogant voice of Casey Jones. I stay silent, hoping that my lack of answer will make him go away despite the sound of my show. "I know you're in there I can here your nerdy show."

I continue to say nothing.

"Look, Kayla, just let me in. I gotta talk to you."

Still not gonna say anything.

"Look it's really important I need your help."

I pause the episode, "if it's to do with April I swear to god."

"It's not! Just let me in dude."

"For what reason?"

"Because I need to talk to you about my... This person I know who's dying."

By the sound of that it doesn't seem like he's planning on leaving me alone anytime soon. Begrudgingly I stand up and head over to the door, unlocking it and opening it to see him there. I cross my arms and look at him cocking an eyebrow.

"How did you find out where I live and is this person you know really dying or are you just being hyperbolic?"

He stares at me his brown eyes widening a little, "damn Sparky, you look rough."

I raise finger, "one, if you need my help do not refer to me as Sparky or any other dumb nickname you have up your sleeve. Kayla, or Kay is fine." I then raise my second finger, "two, do not ask me as to why I look the way I do as well as to why I'm home and not at school. Any conversation that involves that subject will be shut down and I'll refuse to give you anymore help, do you understand?" 

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