Chapter 43: Metamorphosis

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A cold wind navigates its way through the city. It cruises around Central Park before passing a playground, tussling the litter and leaves in its wake. It snakes down an alleyway, howling as all those it passes by huddle deeper into their coats. It brushes a bell, slams a door shut and at last flutters the hair of a distracted brunnette who stands upon a shipping container at the harbor.

Kayla stares out to the horizon, flipping the go-yun necklace over and over again in her fingers. She's still in a bit of pain since last night; a slight ache in her right forearm from where she was stabbed and a rather promiment throbbing coming from her nose, a rich bruise adorning her features. 

She wasn't prepared for a fight last night, especially one with Hun. But this time she's ready, having strapped a knife to her thigh. 

 She glances up to the sky, watching the clouds slowly drift by. 

"So, what are we looking for again?" Raph calls out from behind her. She lets go of the necklace, watching it fall before turning to face her red masked friend who had joined her upon her request.

"The dragon," she says,  "hopefully it'll show up. I mean it should at least, Eastern dragons appear to have an affinity for water in mythology and well... It's me. I attract trouble wherever I am." 

"Yeah, speaking of, the shell happened to your face?" 

She just offers a shrug, looking back to the sky. 

"You know. Purple Dragons." 

He cocks an eyebrow ridge, "I'm supposed to believe that? Even you can take them." 

"was that a compliment just now?" 

He rolls his eyes, "you wish. I'm just saying Purple Dragons suck at fighting." 

"Well it was Hun specifically." 

"What did he want?" 

"You know, just my blood." She says, looking back to the scenery. She crosses her arms as Raph walks to stand next to her. 

"You know... Maybe you should move into the lair." 

She shakes her head, "that won't be necesarry after tonight." 


"Tonight... It'll change the tides."

Raph glances to her, frowning. He sees the hard glint in her eyes, her jaw set.

"The shell does that mean?"

"Just that." 

"Can you stop keeping stuff from us?" 

"It's part of my charm." 

Silence settles over them as Kayla continue to keep watch, her foot tapping away as she drums her fingers against her arm. A second or so later Raph begins to pace the length of the container, throwing his sai up in the air and catching it with a bored expression on his face.

Slowly more clouds fill the sky.

"Any idea how long this is going to take?" He demands. 

"Nope." The human says, not looking at him.


Kayla's mouth thins to a line as more seconds tick by. Her heart beats against her chest at breakneck speed, her body starting to feel  warm indespite of the freezing cold. Not able to take it any longer she sheds off the jacket and throws it on the ground, resuming her crossed arm stance and her finger tapping. 

She scans the area once again, swallowing. 

"Hey Raph?" She calls out, her voice having a waver to it which took her by surprise. 

My Mutation (TMNT FANFIC) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now