Chapter 4: Let 'em burn

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My dear friends were definitely not oblivious to how preoccupied I had been the last few days. And I know they were worrying over it for they seemed to be acting extra nice to me, Nina asking me more than usual about the sleep I've been getting and Alexis actually sharing some portion of her food with me. It wasn't until they suggested that we go to my favourite smoothie place after school did I realize how much I was worrying them. 

"Guys you don't need to worry about me, ok? Everything's fine I promised." I speak to them as I lock my locker, shouldering my bag. "Just some family issues." I pause thinking back to what I saw the other night and to when I got chased by the Purple Dragons. "And other things." 

Nina just nods but Lexi cocks her head in confusion, "what other things?" She wonders obviously worried.

"Lex, it's not any of our business." Nina hisses. She then turns to me, putting her arm over me as we start walking down the hall. "You can always talk to us about anything, remember that. We'll try and help you in any way we can." 

"Thanks Ni." I say, "I really appreciate it." 

"Okay now seriously guys. We going to smoothie place or nah?" Alexis demands now on her phone. "I gotta tell my mum before I forget and she fillets me like last night's dinner." 

"Uh.. Yeah I guess we're going there.." I say awkwardly, shrugging. "I'm not fussed, it's whatever you guys want really." 

Nina had a thoughtful look on her face as we exit the school, a suggestion obvious in her mind, "how about we go to Murakami's instead?"

"Sooo Murakami's?" Lexi asks, leading our little group as she remains on her phone. 

"Yeah I guess." Was all I say. Lexi just nods, not looking up.

We walk down the street and down to the subway where the number of people increase. Nina still has her arm over me, keeping close to her as if thinking about my discomfort around crowds and large multitudes of people. I'm thankful for her caring side even though her keeping me so close is making me more panicked and claustrophobic, but it's the thought that counts 

"So have you guys been keeping up with that ninja story?" Lexi asks, eyes still glued to the phone. Just by the mention of it I feel Nina's mood instantly change to one of annoyance- that being very clear as she lets out a groan. 

"Not this again." She sighs. 

"Hey I think it's really cool! And they found that ninja star, remember?" Alexis goeson, a true fan of the idea that were ninjas in New York. Nina however is greatly against the idea. 

"Ninjas aren't real, it's probably just apart of someone's weird cosplay or something like that." 

"Ninjas most likely 'died out' during Sengoku period, or fedual period." I add. "It would be weird if they were to come back all of the sudden." 

"Well you guys aren't fun." Lexis comments. The train stops and it's doors open letting us walk out and head to our destination. "Trust me they exist. I've been following this blog for the past couple of months and the author has sooo much evidence!" 

"It's probably all fake." Nina says, once again trying to dampen Lexi's hopes and dreams. "Probably doing it to just get the views, you know? Clickbait." 

"It's legit!" Alexis argues The two continue to go at it, back and forth. I just listen to them talk about it not having much of an opinion on the matter. All I care about right now is finding some distraction as distressing thoughts poke and prod at my brain. I decide to silence them by focuingsing on the amazing aroma that's wafting out of Murakami's shop.

We walk in, the smell intensifying and making me realize just how hungry I am. There is a handful of people besides us filling up the seats around the establishment, soft chatter coming from them as they eat their food. The three of us grab our seats that are in front of the stove where Murakami-San would be preparing the food, however oddly enough he isn't there. 

"He's probably getting supplies." Nina assures me when she see my frown. But her assurance doesn't put me at ease. Murakami is a blind man and while he can cook up a mean plate of gyoza I still can't help but worry.

Time ticks by, the number of people in the establishment always changing, noise always being present. My fingers start tapping against the wood, my eyes darting from one place to another as I become increasingly aware of how long it's been since we've entered. Five minutes goes by, then ten and fifteen. Then twenty minutes goes by and I just can't bare it any longer. I stand up, instantly grabbing my friends attention.

"I'm going to check on Murakami." I announce.

"Don't worry I'm sure he'll be out any moment now." Nina insists. I just shake my head, too worried. 

"No there's something wrong." I decide. I leave them, walking through two hanging pieces of fabric to an area that's separate from the main establishment. I'm now in a hallway with two doors as well as a few crates. Ignoring the backdoor I head over to the metal one with the circular window bolted into it. I push it open and walk into the storage room, my eyes scanning the entirety of the room. "Mr. Murakami?" I query, an uneasy feeling residing in my stomach. I take another step in as if that will help things and make him appear. But no, there is no sign of him here at all. 

My anxiety only increases as I hear a slam from behind me, my heart pounding hard as I whipped around to see that the door had shut on me. I rush over to it but when hearing the metallic sound of the lock I can'thelp but freeze.

I feel bile in my throat as my eyes move up to the window. A piercing gaze and a sickening grin was what I see on the face of Hun as he raises his fist showing the keys that are in them. He laughes and turns away, disappearing from view. Terror starts to sink in as I go through every possibility of what's about to happen to me.

Quickly I feel around my person, trying to find my phone but no it's not there, I left it in my bag that's with Lexi and Nina. 

Surely they'll start to wonder why I'm takin so long. Then again, it might be a while for them to realize that. So I do the only thing I can in this moment, I begin to bang on the door letting out the loudest scream I can manage; hoping I can get someone's attention.]

Not even a minute goes by until I hear screams from outside. The reason for it being a mystery until I see smoke snaking its way into the room.

This place is on fire. 

And I am trapped here in a store room. 

And no one knows I'm here. 

And just like that my mind goes numb

The air around me is getting warmer, the smoke filling up more of the room reducing the oxygen levels drastically. Grabbing a hold of myself mentally I begin to breathe in and out slowly so that I don't pass out just yet. I see the warm glow of the fire before me, flames flickering wildly getting more out of control with each passing moment. 

I slowly turn back to look at the shelves of food before me, wondering if perhaps there was any way that I can survive this. But I see nothing of any use to me, no rags, no taps, no fridges that could contain bags of ice. There's just nothing at all. 

My legs buckle sending me to the ground, the smoke thickens and each passing second I'm having more trouble breathing, feeling as if I'm being choked and strangled. My eyelids then start to feel heavy, too difficult to keep open. It's just at that moment I've lost all hope. 

And then I hear it. 


I shift my body to look at the door, the action requiring way too much effort. My eyesight is getting more blurry but I can see the raging fire- it's flames spilling into where i am like water breaking through a dam - a flame caresses my arm causing blinding pain. But I can't scream out in agony, all I can do is watch as a large shadowy figure quickly approaches me, lifting me up in their arms.

"Just hold on, I'll get you out of here." I hear a voice murmur to me. I blink once more, my grasp on reality weaker than before. Facing more difficulties I then allow my eyes to close shut, letting my savoir take me out of the building.  


Burn the House Down by AJR

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