Chapter 12: Ice-Cream Kids

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"So you just so happen to be here on a date with April while I'm here?" I ask as I look at Casey Jones who is standing on the other side of the counter. Apart from doing Aikido and going to school, my part time job at Baskin Robins is the only normal thing left in my life and it's not something I want to lose anytime soon. But I can't help but feel slightly on edge as I look at Casey, knowing that he tends to bring trouble wherever he walks.

"It's not a date," he says first, casting a quick glance at the table where April's sitting, some pieces of paper laid out in front of her as well as an assortment of pens, "it's studying."

"Sorry my mistake." I roll my eyes at him as I hand over the two cups of ice cream. "And what exactly are you studying?"


"But you're shit at biology."

"Shhh! Not so loud!" He quickly glances back at April obviously fearful of her hearing us. "Look, I'm having Red help me but I don't want her to think I'm completely worthless so can you help a guy out?"

"Dunno, you going to pay a little extra?" I demand, he just sighs as he puts his hands in his pockets trying to scounge up some extra cash, the action bringing a soft smile to my lips.

"How much extra?"

"Since I don't want to be too mean five bucks," I state, "but if you and April get together I'm expexting fifty."

"Why do I gotta pay fifty for when that happens?" He groans, placing the extra money for me.

"Because me providing you informatiom right now is basically a catalyst for this relationship." I explain.

"Uh normal terms?"

"I mean that with my info you get to wow April which means you're more likely to get with her."

"Well I'm Casey Jones, I've already wowed her."

"Clearly not enough," I say considering how he's coming to me for help. "What answers you want? And be quick, I don't wanna get yelled at." 

"Okay okay." He rolls down his sleeve showing the smudged questions on his wrist. He frowns as he tries to decipher what he wrote. "Uh... Something about fats..." 

"They're digested by lipase into three fatty acids and glyceral." I say instantly. "You'll get extra points for saying three fatty acids since no one ever remembers those. You can also say they're emulsified by bile. Next." 

He frowns, cocking his head to the side his mouth trying to form the words as if that will help, "something about... Ass....?" 

I just sigh, knowing what he meant, "assimilation, it's when you build larger molecules from smaller ones. What else?" 

"Um tar." 

"Okay well if you say carcinogenic then you'll get some credit, it means that it causes cancer before you ask, and it will cause ciliated cells to stop wafting mucus it'll lead to bronchitis, smoker's cough and emphysema. There's more but I don't think you'll remember it all." 

He nods and rolls down his sleeve, glancing once more back at April before putting his attention back onto me. "Thanks Sparks." 

I raise my eyebrow at him. 

"Really? After I just helped you?" 

"Sorry Kay, the nickname picks the owner." He grabs the ice creams and starts to head over to his table with April, my words following him. 

"Do not dare use Harry Potter to justify your reasons!" 

I go back to my job, serving anyone who turns up but my attention sometimes shifts back over to April and Casey, seeing the look of amusement that would blossom on April's face when Casey would make a joke. I can't help but smile a little at their interactions with one another, they go well together. It's just a shame that Casey's probably too chicken to ask her out. 

About five milkshakes, one ice cream cake and fifty scoops of ice cream later, my shift finally ends. I grab my bag and slung it across my shoulder, stuffing the 'Baskin Robins' cap into it while I cover up the pink shirt with my dragonfly jacket I brought with me. But before I can even leave and head home a familiar mass of brown hair approaches me, a relaxed smile playing at his lips. 

"Oh.. You're closed now?" Sean asks me looking very laid back in his leather jacket and black skinny jeans. I frown at him, slightly confused. Glancing back I can see my coworkers serving the late night customers. 

"Well uh no..." I say slowly, looking back at him. "My shift just ended." 

"Well that sucks." He said. "Guess I'll come another time."

"But..." I blink, completely bewildered. We're not closed... He can still get ice cream if he wants to, why does it suck that my shift ended? "We're not closed." 

"I know." He answers, a twinkle in his eye. I just shake my head, the boy making me all the more confused. I start walking again, wanting to reach home before it gets any later, Sean falls in step with me, both his hands in his pockets. 

"You don't really make sense." I say. I'm starting to feel uncomfortable now, I wasn't expecting to socialize after my shift and with Sean's sudden appearance I can't but feel slightly thrown off. "You know you can still have ice cream right? I promise none of my colleagues are evil masterminds wanting to poison you or whatever."  

He chuckles, clearly amused with what I had said, "I believe you. I just prefer it if it was you." 

"Again I don't understand you." 

The boy shrugs, looking over at me so that I can see the swirl of colours in his eyes, "you don't have to." He says simply. "So, why is the Kayla Smith working at an ice cream place of all places?" 

"Well why is the Sean Brown at a Baskin Robins of all places?" I shot back, trying to seem playful but actually I'm feeling nervous and really wanting an actual answer to that question. I have nothing against the guy, hell I don't know him all too well. I'm just socially awkward and don't handle unexpected visits well. Hence why I've banned Alexis and Nina from throwing me a surprise party after I had a mental breakdown from the first one they did. 

"Well... Casey texted me that you were here..." He answers slowly, now looking away as if he was embarrassed, "and I just wanted to spend some time with you, sorry." 

I feel more confused when he says that but I decide to ignore that feeling and just try and accept the situation for what it is. "No it's fine, I just... Wasn't expecting that to be the case." 

"I just want to be your friend." He says, still trying to explain himself. "You... You seem like you need some more is all." 

"More friends...?" 

"Yeah you only seem to have Alexis and Nina." He answers me, shrugging slightly. "And you're really smart so you probably don't have that many classes with them." 

My cheeks flush red at the compliment, again not expecting that. It seems everything about this guy is full of unexpected things. 

"Well um I do only have a few classes with them..." I say truthfully. He smiles again, a kind one. 

"See? So I'll be... You're ice-cream friend." 

"Pardon?" I couldn't help but feel amused with what he just said. 

"Well I'm making this statement near an ice-cream place so that's one reason," he justifies, "another is that when your friends aren't available I promise to be there but with ice-cream."

"Even in classes?" 

"If the teachers don't catch me than yes." 


Cool Kids by Echosmith aaaand a bunch of portraits I drew of the characters you've met so far. 

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