Chapter 17: Daytime Blues

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I'm leaning against my locker door with my eyes closed and my books pressed against my chest. The chatter of Nina and Alexis being background noise as I think back to what happened yesterday, seeing them, the people who have been saving me. They weren't what I was expecting naturally, but then again I should be expecting less ordinary things now with how upside-down my life has become. I really need to throw away the idealization of my life going back to normal especially now since I'm playing doctor to a mutant turtle and my dad has ran off with his mistress, a matter that's still triggering my anger.

"Yo move aside girlies! I need to talk to Sparky." Came Casey's voice, next thing I know he has his hand on my shoulder and is dragging me off the lockers and to his side, leading me away with him. I just open my eyes to glare at him, not too happy with being yanked away from my friends, he just smiles at me and puts his arm over my shoulders which just arrevated my burn and made me more annoyed.

"What?" I grumble out, shrugging his arm off me and shooting him a poisonous look. He continues to smile, it seeming to ooze with smugness.

"Sooo, what did you think of yesterday?" He asks me, his face quite close to mine as he invades my personal space. I lean back away from him as I place my hand against his chest so that he can't get any closer.

"Yesterday you force me to meet some people." I push him away and straighten up myself. "And now I'm a doctor."

"Yeah but what do you think of them?" He pesters.

"I don't know I was only there for a few hours. What's with the interrogation?"

"Cause I don't want you go ratting out my friends." He tells me, his face looking more serious and his tone lower to further emphasize that this topic isn't a joking matter for him.

"I'm not going to do that." I tell him truthfully. "They've been saving me a lot so it would be rude of me to just tell someone about their existence, besides no one would believe me if I were to say anything."

He narrows his deep brown eyes at me, looking as if he's taking apart my words and trying to see if they were good enough for him. He then opens up his mouth about to say something but a voice cuts in, interrupting the thought.

"Hey you're back today." We turn and our gaze is intercepted by the one of Sean, a twinkle in his eye and a smile gracing his features. He strolls up to us with his books in one hand and a paperbag of something in the other.

Casey seems to be surprise that Sean was talking to me for in my peripheral vision I could just make out him glancing from the boy to me with wide eyes. I'm just going to have to answer whatever question he has later.

"Yup, back and living." I say spreading my arms to demonstrate that fact.

"I'll talk to ya later Sparks, answer my texts next time!" Is what Casey calls out to me as he leaves I roll my eyes and just wave my hand in dismissive way, signaling that yes I will do that. I just let my focus stay on Sean as we then start to walk down the hallway through the crowd of students to our English classroom. He hands me the paper bag.

"What's this?" I ask curiously, opening it up so that I can peak at the contents.

"Some cookies." He tells me, confirming what I'm seeing. I just roll up the paper bag telling myself to eat these later and to keep them from Alexis. "I told you I was going to be giving you food."

"You said ice cream if I recall."

"I figure that cookies were a safer bet since they won't melt." He says shrugging. We walk into the classroom and people are already here except for the teacher, I just place my stuff at my spot Sean surprising me as he place his stuff beside mine.

My Mutation (TMNT FANFIC) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now