Chapter 33: Teach Me How to Fight

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I see Splinter the next day and informed of my finding; the green lady being my ancestor, the possible reason for why I'm being sought after. He nods along with it as if he isn't surprised by this information.

"Yes, of course, the Guardians were people I heard about from my training in the Hamato Clan. No doubt that Shredder is a descendant of one of these cursed lines."

I nod, thinking back to the mindmap I've started to construct at home to lay out my information and to get a better understanding of what's been going on.

"This means we need to focus more on your training, Shredder will not stop until he sees you dead."

"Sensei, if I may," I start, shifting slightly, "I would like to run something by you."

"Which is what, Kayla?"

I take in a deep breath, "I've been thinking about what you've said; you observed that I lack confidence and often overthink about my actions to the point it paralyzes me and so I would just like to... I would like to ask this of you."

He raises his brow at me, intrigued.

I clench my fists, anxious, "I would like to know if it's ok for me to request training from one of your sons." I feel my cheeks heat up instantly, my anxiety starting to act up now. But I push past it, "particularly Raphael. He has attributes that I lack - he is confident and sure of his attacks and he has a very aggressive fighting style; as Shredder will not stop coming after me I need to develop a confidence in my fighting and I need to be able to act aggressively. While I do have training in Aikido I believe that-"


I blink.

But... But I haven't even finished my argument! How is he already convinced?!

"Just... Just like that?"

"Just like that."

I frown, feeling suspicious of the situation.

"I... Don't need to tell you the pros of my proposal?"



Is this really it? It can't be right? Is he actually mad at me right now and just saying this to be polite?

"Uh..." I shift awkwardly, "can... Will you still train me anyways..? So that I can be a kunoichi? "

"Of course."

Well then... Ok...

We finish up our talk and had another go at meditating before I was let go.

I walk out into the main room, scanning for Raph. Upon seeing him beating up his dummy I take in a deep breath, hoping that can fend off any of my anxious thoughts. I approach him.


He doesn't look at me, "what?"

"I would like to ask something of you."

He lands a punch kick combo, the dummy swinging back dangerously, "can't you see I'm busy?"

"I want you to help me with my training," I say, feeling my heart in my throat. I swallow, trying my very best to not feel nervous and anxious. "You're confident and decisive, not only that but you know how to throw a punch and a kick. And I... Need help with that."

My Mutation (TMNT FANFIC) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now