Chapter 31: A Flicker of Light

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Is it surprising that people are wanting answers from me? 

No. No, it's not in the slightest bit. 

I couldn't quite go back to the lair with the boys after that chase, it was getting late and I didn't want to cause any concerns for my mum. So thankfully I was accompanied home but the next day I was forced back into the lair. 

"GHOSTS?!" Leo exclaims to me. I can't help but flinch at his tone, my face going bright red. "And they knew you BY NAME?!" 

"Dudes I told you ghosts were real!" Mikey calls out from his spot on the couch.

His interjection only does a little to relieve my stress as I stare at my hands in my lap - cracking my knuckles out of nerves. I take in a deep breath, replying to Leo, timidly, "well uh only one of them called me Keisu. And I mean... Well to be fair, that's not the same as Kayla so really maybe it could be a uh a case of mistaken identity..." 

"Ha! Case," Mikey says again, "nice one!"

I blink and look over to him in confusion, he stares back at me confused at my confusion until his face lit up with realization. 

"Ooooh, rightttt. You don't know Japanese." 

"Keisu can mean case but I'm pretty sure our ghost friend was calling Kayla by a pet name." Pipes up Donnie, I then directed my confusion to him prompting him to explain. "Well because 'Kei' is the first sound of your name, 'Keira.' I'm guessing the 'su' has something to do with your last name." 

Slowly I look back down at my hands, my chest getting tighter. 

"Kayla. Why does a ghost lady know your name? What does she want from you?"  Leo asks.

I take in a deep breath and close my eyes. My heart is going a mile a minute, the blood is rushing through my ears, my throat feels dry, everyone is staring at me and Leo is mad and others are peeved and I'm finding it hard to focus. 

"I don't know," I utter out, clenching my fists. "I just know that... When I was kidnapped I was used to... To conjure up the green lady. I can only assume she knows my name by talking to Shredder and the people he keeps in his company." 

I can basically sense Leo and Donnie glancing at one another, finding it surprising to hear about this of their adversary. 

"Shredder's... Doing rituals?" Donnie asks, aghast.

"Were there any more ghosts? Did he only use you to get that one?" 

"He only used me for the one. I didn't see the other two when he summoned me but... But there was a red man present. He performed the ritual with Shredder." 

"What would Shredder want with a bunch of ghosts?" Raph asks, clearly confused about it all. "And why the shell are they still after you? Didn't they already get what they want?" 

"If they did then Kayla wouldn't be targeted." Donnie pointed out, his voice sounding distracted as he starts to give the situation more thought.

I risk glancing up now seeing a thoughtful expression on Donnie's face as he looks at the ground, his hand propped on his chin. Leo looks over to him, "but what could Kayla have that they still need? Something for another ritual?" 

I slowly look back down again at my hands, my shoulders dropping slightly. Why don't I have the answers? If I'm being sought after shouldn't I at least have some idea as to why? 

But no, everything I thought I knew has been thrown out of the window and the things that I didn't think were possible are all of the sudden possible. 

My Mutation (TMNT FANFIC) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now