Chapter 18: Orange Flavouring

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The throne room remains to be trapped in darkness, not a single spot of light evident in the room, not even the light from the skylights or the intricate windows that are present for all of them are covered to keep the moonlight from shining in. It's as if light would be a poison, a toxicity to this ominous, quiet and mysterious atmosphere. That the presence of it would disrupt and ruin everything.

It's silent here, the mood tense and dangerous which only continues to thicken with each second that passes without action. It keeps on growing and growing, starting to feel completely insufferable until finally something occurs. A flicker, a quick snap of luminescent green light in the middle of the room which reveled everything in a flash. Oroku Saki sitting on his throne, a small handful of foot soldiers beside him, and a tall bald man standing in an erect fashion beside him. The light dies down quickly hiding everyone in the darkness of it but it flickers once more into existence not long after, looking to be a weak and feeble as it now flickers rapidly, unable to sustain it's light for long. Everything goes black once more, seconds now dragging out until finally the flame snaps back into existence, it's small, and tiny but yet it manages to fill the room with it's ghostly green light.

"You said the man would be enough." Comes Saki's deep gravely voice, it having an edge of anger and frustration to it.

The feminine voice that has conversed with Saki once before now comes from the flame, the voice smooth as silk with a slight Japanese accent to it, "correction, I said that the man would be enough to keep me into existence, not enough to return a corporeal body to me once more. If that's what you want then you need the girl."

"You have told me that the girl is for the dragon, not to restore you back to your body."

"Because you have only asked me about the girl regarding the dragon, not my body."

Saki's eyes narrow in frustration, not pleased with the games that the woman is playing. He clenches his first and his body goes rigid yet when he speaks his voice is more ambigious in tone, not hinting to his rage. It's as if he doesn't wish to inform this flame of his true emotions.

"This wasn't what happened with the others, they did not require a sacrifice."

"You're not sacrificing the girl. You simply need to kidnap her, she is more useful to you alive oppose to dead."

Saki turns his head slightly to the side to look at the bald man beside him, from his looks you can already gather that he's not normal for in the light of the green flame you can just make out that his skin was a pale red colour, his eyes glinting like molten rubies in the light. He stood shirtless his physic toned and lean, an aura of intimidation surrounds him but Saki remains to be impervious to it as he directs a question to him.

"Is this true?"

The man stands there staring intensely at the flame, his face remaining to be void of emotion however it remains obvious that he's deep in his thoughts. Slowly he nods, giving Saki his answer.

"She is a special case." He speaks, his voice deep and dark sounding, a Japanese accent coating the words he says.

"Very well." Saki looks back at the flame but his words were still directed by the companion beside him. "See that my daughter and her apprentice captures the girl by the end of the week, we cannot waste anymore time on this."


I'm sitting at my desk, music playing from my laptop as I focus on it's screen, my brow furrowing as I note down the knowledge I'm gaining from it. For the remainder of yesterday I was searching up ways to help Donnie, reading everything I can to deal with Lithium poisoning, Leo stayed until past midnight giving me someone to talk to during the task. I got less stressed and awkward around him, however I still don't feel completely relaxed. From the times I've seen him I can't help but label him as the 'perfect' type, who seems to be good at just about everything they do and that naturally intimidates me and another thing to add is that I just don't want him to be disappointed in me. Especially with this job that I'm doing for him and his family, hence why I'm double checking everything I've researched yesterday just to be absolutely sure.

Already I have informed Leo and his brothers about keeping Donnie hydrated as well as to move him out of his bed from time to time to prevent bed sores from occurring. I also informed them about how to keep him fed, massaging the sides of his throat to allow food to pass down without him choking. Meanwhile I've texted Casey a list of supplies and medication that I'd need to give to Donnie and that I'll pay him back... If he actually buys them of course and doesn't, you know, steal them.

I make a few more notations before a tapping is sounded at my window, being incentive enough for me to turn around and see who it is. It's Mikey on the fire escape, a grin on his face and a pizza box in hand. When seeing me he waves happily, something that I return in an awkward fashion as I feel my social anxiety kick in. Already from what I know about him I know that I shouldn't feel anxious around him, Leo told me that he's easy going and completely relaxed. And I've already made him out to be similar to Alexis, yet I still can't get rid of my anxiety induced thoughts or the nerves as I shakily move over to the window, opening it up to let him in.

"Hey dudette! It's ya boy Mikey!" He announces jumping into my room. I close the window behind him. "With the greatest and bestest friend on the Earth, PIZZA!" He spins to face me in a flourish, opening up the pizza box in my face so that I'm hit with its delicious aroma. Despite him making me more nervous and anxious with how loud he's being, I give him a smile to show him my gratitude.

"Thanks Mikey, you didn't have to bring pizza with you." I say.

"Dude, everyone knows that pizza tastes best with friends!" He tells me putting his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close to him, I wince thanks to my arm. "Except Raph, Raph isn't fun to eat pizza with." He then let's go of me and jumps onto my bed placing the pizza down on the mattress, already chowing down on a slice. I carefully place myself on the other side of the box and began to eat with him, myself still feeling somewhat constrained as I feel the pressure to say something so that we're not suffering in silence but it turns out I don't need to worry about that with Mikey as he starts speaking once more.

"So dude." He swallows his slice and grabs another one. "Why do people keep attacking you?"

I shrug, "I dunno, I kinda wish that I have the answer to that myself."

"I feel you," he sighs a pout now on his face, "bad guys love chasing me so I'm always bait."

"Couldn't you just nominate one of your brothers to be bait?"

"Nah..." He pauses and then his mood picks up once more, the smile returning back onto his face. "Besides it gives me the chance to whip out my sweet kusarigama chain!" He jumps up onto my bed, sticking a pose as he whips out said weapon. I look up at him, my eyes flickering from the glimmering chain back to his face. He then sits back down onto the bed.

"The kusarigama is your weapon?" I ask, I've noticed that the boys all had a weapon or two on their person.

"Not the only one, I also have the almighty nunchucks." He says enthusiastically.

"Where did you get them from?"

"Oh our Dad, Master Splinter, gave them to me." He explains. "He's really cool, you need to meet him when you come over next time!"

I can't help but chuckle at how energetic he is, clearly excited about the idea of me meeting his father. I listen to him as keeps telling me about his life in the sewers and some of the wild adventures that he's been on with his brothers. Just from this time with him I feel like I have a better sense of him and everyone else who he's close to. Not only that but it's as if his happiness is contagious for I feel uplifted from my current problems just by being near him and listening to him. 


We are the Hearts by EXGF

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