Chapter 42: Changing Pace

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I stand right outside of my apartment, dusk painting the city in different hues and colours. I'm anxious and terrified and I just...

I feel stuck.


So incredibly fucked up and screwed.

I need to go in, I should go in. But no part of me wants to face my mother right now, not after everything that's just happened. I can't bare it.

All I want right now is to curl up into my own little cocoon and disappear from the world. Everything is just so overwhelming and hectic and I just want it all to go quiet. For things to calm down and just be normal for one single minute.

I turn away from the apartment looking at the bustling road, seeing the apartment and shops' lights turn on one by one. Briefly, I consider taking a small walk around the city, just to pretend that my life isn't hell for a little bit more. But unforunately the reality of the situation is that I might be taken off the street, or chased, or something.

There's always something.

But still I look back at the apartment and no part of me wants to go inside. Because if I go in there, then all I'm doing is just waiting around until my mum comes home from work and talks to me about what happened in the museum and asks me how my day at school went. And I just can't deal with that right now.

Besides is it even safe for me to go home? Considering the enemy is my friend who knows where I live?

I feel like I'm on death row waiting for the guards to call me out.


If I know I'm going to get into trouble I'm going to give myself a few minutes of happiness before I have to face reality again.

I pull out my phone and scroll through my contacts, selecting his number.

"Hey, are you around right now? I could really use your company at the moment."


In my short time of being in Raph's company, I've decided that I no longer want to be in it. 

"Come on Damsel, it's real easy." 

I cross my arms giving him a defiant look. "I'm not getting on that thing Raph. No way." 

We're standing in the middle of an abandoned skatepark as Raph had the greatest idea to teach me how to skate. 

"What do you have to lose?" 

"My kneecaps Raph." 

"You're scared of falling? Don't you get chased all the time?!" 

I purse my lips at that.

"You're not wrong." I admit, "But this is totally different! You're doing this because you want to see me embarrass myself!" 

"You're embarrassing enough as it is." 

I just gape at him, "I can't believe you just said that to me." 

"Am I wrong?" 

I roll my eyes, "pfft I can be cool. Totally. The most cool." 

"You had a full five minute conversation with Donnie about spreadsheets and graphs."

"Hey! Data is cool!" 

He lets out a groan and rolls his eyes, clearly in disagreement with me. "Can you just shut up and get on the board?"

I look to the skateboard at my feet, mulling it over, "do I get compensation?" 

"No. Now just hurry up and stop wasting my time." 

My Mutation (TMNT FANFIC) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now