Chapter 10: Unfortunate Turn of Events

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Time is a concept that everyone feels, everyone except for one particular mutant. He resides in the garage, the place being a slight safe haven from the disruption and chaos of his brothers. It is here where time disappears, having no meaning  or significance, and that only becomes more true as Donnie sets his sights on the experiment he's working on. 

It's something that he began some few days ago and since then he's placed every waking moment into this work. Doing countless tests on mutagen and various of other serums he's concocted to make sure that he's heading in the right direction of producing the end result. The creation of a serum that could cure any and every single disease. Something that everyone can benefit from.

He stares through the microscope, his tongue sticking out in concentration as he tries to focus in on the newest sample he produced. He examines it for a few seconds before deciding that he's not satisfied with it. He removes the sample and goes back to the elaborate apparatus he had set up to experiment the mutagen's effects as well as the effects of any other serum he creates. He looks from the experiment over to the clipboard that rests on the table, a list of elements scribbled upon it along with crosses and ticks to indicate which elements produce the reaction Donnie wants. With a quick glance at the list he then grabs a bottle of lithium salts, only tapping a few into the heated round bottom flask where the mutagen was producing a few bubbles here and there. 

Watching with careful eyes, Donnie notices how this time the salts dissolved, the mutagen earning a more red pigment to it an obvious indication of a reaction. The bubbling increases however they're taking longer to burst, something that hasn't occurred in the other experiments. He makes note of this, his words short and simplified so that he can return back to the project at hand, already reaching for yet another bottle to add into the batch. But he stops, a tremble rolls out under his feet, the lights above flickering widely. He grabs onto the table for support as he momentarily loses balance, a frown contorting his features as he looks up wondering what exactly is happening. Those thoughts were put on pause as the world tremble yet again, much more violent than the one before making the shelf of equipment and all sorts of solutions to fall over.

 The experiment before him was moving a bit too erratically, too many bubbles being produce as if to say that the disturbance in the environment is yet another factor in making the newly formed solution more reactive.  With the increased number of bubbles it would appear that the pressure within the flask is too increasing, the whole thing being so strange that Donnie can't help but stare at it, momentarily forgetting that his world is shaking. This, quite obviously, is seen to be a fault of his. 

Cracks are forming on the flask, looking like spiderwebs as they grew bigger and bigger until the flask burstz into a million of pieces, flying out in every direction and with it, the serum. Everything slowes down as Donnie watches the flask break apart, he is trying to move out of the way - to completely avoid being hit. But the tiny shards of glass find their purchase, and the soltuion followed, splattering all over the side of his face. 

Absolute agony erupts from where he was hit, the pain tearing the scream out from him as he falls back. He clutches at his face as if he could claw off the solution. 

Already outside of his room is Splinter, the father about to hurry to the boys rooms to check on their state of being, but upon hearing the scream of his intelligent son he changes his course, moving quickly to the garage and opening it's door. The earthquake stops and everything becomes still, the newly created peace  contrasting the frantic beating of Splinter's heart as his hazel eyed gaze fell on the screaming terrapin, seeing the red serum dripping onto the ground. Not wasting another moment, Splinter swiftly makes his way to his son, bending down and placing a hand on his forehead being sure to mind the serum. 

When he next glances up at the door he sees Leo and Mikey, both their eyes large as they stare at the sight before them. Splinter snaps them back to reality with an order, "Leonardo, quick, fetch me a damp cloth." Leo instantly drops his horrified expression and nods before moving away in urgency just leaving Mikey to gape and stare in fear. He makes a tentative step forward, his baby blue eyes swimming in shock and fear as he watches his brother wither and writhe in pain.

"Donnie?" He whispers, his voice hoarse. 

Not a moment too soon Leo reappears and speeds past him, handing the dampen cloth over to his father. Donnie's screams steadily grew quieter, his body not shaking as much as Splinter wipes off the serum gently, removing the pieces of glass with it. He then cradles his son's head gently in his lap closing his eyes as he places his hand back on Donnie's forehead, willing the purple masked terrapin to go into a peaceful sleep where he won't be in anymore pain. Arriving in the middle of this is Raph, heavy breathing escaping him. He leans on the wall, trying to catch his breath as his electric green eyes did a one over of the place, ignoring the chaos and mess it's in as he instantly becomes concern for what happened to his brother. 

"Donnie..." Raph breathes out, blinking as his confusion and worry grows. "Wha- What... What happened?" 

"It would appear his experiment exploded all over him." Splinter says quietly, his calm voice masking the terrible thoughts that now plagues his mind. He gently brushes his fingers over his now sleeping son's forehead, wondering and fearful of what effects the experiment will have on him. "My sons, we must keep an eye on him in these next coming days. We must make note of any anonmaly in his action if it presents itself for we do not know what this experiment will do to him." 

Leo, Raph and Mikey nod in agreement, Mikey looking to be the most troubled out of the three, "is he going to be okay Sensei..?" 

"I do not know my son, only time will tell." 


I'm So Sorry by Imagine Dragons

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