Chapter 7: Trying to keep it normal

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I did not forget the conversation I overheard nor did it bode well with me. It didn't bode with me so much so that I couldn't plan for the day ahead or think how I was going to tackle the day and this was quite clear as I came into school with layers of bandages wrapped around my arm. The stares that I'm getting from everyone as I walk by is just adding to my foul mood making me more angry at the world than anxious. 

Storming over to my locker I rip it open, stuffing my bag into it as I take out the books I need for the the first lessons in a very hostile manner. 

"Whoa there Sparky, your history book is going to be history if you treat it like that." 

I whip around, meeting the person behind me with an angry glare. Casey Jones just grins back at me sheepishly, "you good Sparks?" 

"First I'm perfectly fine, second drop the nick name." I hiss as I slam my locker shut. 

"Why not? 

"The implications it holds." I snap. "Sparks; sparks ignite a flame, flame, burning- Oh look!" I cry out in sarcasm lifting up my bandaged left arm to his face. "A burn! Now with that game of word association Casey Jones you now know how you calling me Sparks alludes to your maladroit and insensitive nature-" 

"Uh oh she's using big words." Comes a hushed whisper. I just look at Alexis out of the corner of my eye, her holding her books in a nervous manner. Nina is standing beside her with a coffee in hand. She holds it out to me. 

"Drink." She commands. I just snatch it from her, maintaing eye contact with Casey as I take a swig of the drink.

"Hey so um want to hear a joke?" He asks me slowly. 

"If you make a joke that has anything related to do with a burn or fire I will personally see it that not only will you fail History but all of your other subjects." I slowly walk to him my hand gripping the cup. He just slowly backed away from me clearly amused that he got this reaction from me, "not only that but I will diminish any single chance you have with April and make her see you as a-" 

"Okay! Down tiger, we've got Psychology come on." Nina says  as she grabs both of my shoulders and slowly pulls me away from Casey. I give him one last glare before turning around walking with both of my friends to class, my bad mood seeming to effect them as they remain silent. I don't care for it though as I thought back to the other day....

I can't believe he would betray Mum and I like that. He's seeing another woman behind our backs and he's going to get up and just leave? What plausible reason does he have for that to be an appealing plan to him? It's unbelievable, completely unbelievable. Sure I thought that my parents were maybe going to get a divorce with how they were being but that's not something that I can get angry over; that's their decision and they would have reached it together, they're a knowledgeable pair and I know that they would have reached the idea on amicable terms despite having been fighting with one another. But cheating? I can't be neutral or passive over this. There is no good reason in the history of reasons to make this acceptable. 

"Wait, Kay." 

We stop in front of the door of our classroom. I turn to look at Nina to see that she had her jacket in her hand, glancing back at her I raise an eyebrow. "I'll be fine Ni, you can keep-" 

"Oh? You changed? You like having people stare and ogle at you now?" Nina ask. I just sigh as it took it from her, her taking back the coffee in exchange as I put it on me. It was only a little bit bigger than me but I don't care, the sleeves hid the wound and now people can stop staring at it as if I've got a unicorn growing out of my body.

"Thanks." I mutter, grateful for her being here and at the same time feeling guilty for snapping at her like that. 

"Don't worry, let's head in."

We walk in, class starting as normal. I try to pay attention to what's being said and tried to take some notes but I can feel just everyone staring at me, their attention lingering on me as they whisper to one another about the burn. I already know that the people who didn't see the news story probably made some ridiculous rumor about it and now it's being spread and alternated like wildfire; no pun intended. Though I guess there would be some form of truth implemented by the people who actually saw the news; but one can only hope.

Everyone began shuffling me which pulled me away from my thoughts. I just watch them all wandering around the classroom, indicating we're doing some partnered exercise. I just stay put in my seat, I'm in far too bad of a bad mood to be cooperative and that continued being so as I note a curly haired male taking his seat next to mine, smiling at me. 

"Hey there Kayla." He chirps, his hazel eyes glinting in the light. 

"Hey there." I say curtly. "What are we doing?" 

"Uh we're suppose to do this interview thing for the treatments for phobias." He explains. "Flooding and the hierarchy of fears thing. We need to talk about the ethics and stuff." 

"Well talking about stuff is a very easy thing to do." I mutter as I turne to where the treatments are. Already I can tell he's glancing over at my arm despite the fact it's covered by Nina's jacket. I just purse my lips slightly. It's rude to stare after all. 

"So um... You okay?" He asks. "I uh saw you on the news the other night." 

"A lot of people did." I just keep looking at the book, skimming through the strengths and weaknesses as well as the ethics of each thing. 

"You got pretty badly burnt didn't you?" 

"Don't worry it's only a second degree, just my epidermis and dermis damaged." 

"Well uh... That sucks?" 

I shut my eyes and sigh, guilt taking a bite at me again. He didn't do anything wrong I'm just being a bitch.

"I'm sorry," I say, "bit of stuff happening in private and being stared at doesn't exactly help with my mood."

He just nods, "yeah that what put anyone in a bad mood. Especially being in a fire and all." 

"Yeah... Sean..?" I try, I admit in Psychology I never really pay attention to the subject much less to the people in it. Everything we need to know is in the book provided and people make me uncomfortable and anxious. 

"You don't know my name?" He asks in surprise. 

I just shrug, blushing in embarrassment, "sorry... I uh suck with people." 

He leans back in his chair, looking at me with those eyes, "it's okay, lucky for you you guessed right." 

"Lucky for me." 

"Hey uh you know if it makes you feel any better, I don't believe in any of the shit people have been saying." He tells me, "and I uh, I think it's pretty cool you survived being burned alive. Kinda makes you a badass you know?" 

"Oh uh well... Thanks?" I say blinking in surprise, rather taken aback by the compliment. I'm not used to people giving me compliments, usually it's my science teachers followed by Lexi and Nina in that order. Anyone else was just too weird. 

And also it's a weird compliment to make. 

"It's all good. So um, which one you wanna do?" And with that he refocuses us back on the task at hand.  I'm feeling a bit calmer around him now, granted I'm still angry at everything that's happening in my world but... A small part of that anger dispersed thanks to him. 


The Kids Aren't Alright by Fallout Boy

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