Chapter 6: Hospital Visits

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A steady beeping reaches me in the sea of darkness I'm in, this being the first signal I'm alive. The second one is a foreign sensation resting on my left arm and chest. I want to open my eyes and see what exactly the sensation is but still the blackness has my attention, until slowly a small pinpoint of green light emerges, a sense of familiarity residing from it. It floats there until suddenly vanishing once more, leaving me completely mystified.  But with it's absence I'm then able to open my eyes, the light blinding me momentarily until my eyes adjusted. 

"Oh sweetheart you're okay!" I turn and see my mother beside my bed. Her brown hair similar to mine is a mess and her brown eyes showed fatigue, the dark circles emphasizing that. I take note that my Dad isn't in the room giving me the impression that maybe they're still fighting. She places her hand on my own and rubs the back of it with her thumb. "How are you feeling?" 

"Fine." I say truthfully as I sit up, my eyes now taking notice of everything in the room. The bland curtains covering the window, the heart moniter recording my pulse, the bedside table where a small wrapped gift laid. "What's that?" I query pointing to the gift.

"Oh, Alexis and Nina left  it here when you were still asleep." My mother explains picking up the gift and placing it on my lap.

The mention of their names triggered the memory in my mind. The fire... The smoke... That shadowy figure... "Are they ok?"

"Oh yes sweetie they're fine, they weren't hurt at all." My mother says.

I nod before glancing down at my left noticing that it's covered by bandages being the reason for that foreign feeling I was experiencing. I stare at it, vaguely remembering the shock of pain I felt when it got burned. "Is it a second degree?"

"That's what the doctors say." My mother confirms. "Don't worry they said it'll heal but there may be some pigment change."

I hum in reply now distracted by those kind of thoughts. 

"Want to open your present?"

My eyes cast down and with my good hand I carefully unwrap the present showing what lay beneath it. It was a dragonfly pendent iron-transfer which makes me smile. My family considers the dragonfly as our 'symbol', and it's a symbol that to me, was very important. I already have a dragonfly but I ironed it on my hakama for aikido so I really appreciate it that I got given another one. Especially with how nice and simple this one looks. 

"Alexis told me that it was suppose to be one of your birthday presents but then she lost it." My Mum chuckled as I look over at the piece.

"A bit late." I say smiling in amusement, my birthday was at the end of January and now it's getting towards October.

"At least she remembered."

She has a good point. I continue to look at the gift as my mum then got busy with her phone probably dealing with some form of work. She's a curator, the very profession that caused her to meet my Dad. He was doing some study for a samurai piece and doing her job my mum organized the placement for it.

We settled in silence for a brief moment in time. My mother's attention being directed on her work as my attention was directed on the thoughts in my head as I look back at last night. It was rather clear from the situation I was in that the Purple Dragons wanted to kill me, but for what cause? What was their reason? And how did they knew I was going to be there and go into that storeroom? Perhaps it was already planned ahead of time and it was just convenient for them that I was in there... But with the disappearance of Murakami I can't help but believe that it was all connected and planned. 


I look over at her seeing a worried look in her eyes, "you.. you know that I love you right?"

"Yeah of course, you and Dad both do." My questions on last night fade from my mind as I then became confused as to why my mother seem to be so worried. 

"Okay... And you know that I care for you deeply, right?"

I nodded again in affirmation, "yeah I do. What's going on, is everything okay?"

"Well with how things been recently..." She pockets her phone and directs all her attention onto me, grabbing my hand with both of hers. "I've decided to pick up a job offer in DC. Just for a little while." She adds hastily.

I sit there in silence for a little taking in the news, very little part of me surprised but none the less I'm slightly upset that this is happening. "So you're leaving?"

"It'll only be for a month sweetie I promise."

"So it'll just be Dad and I.." I say slowly, processing the information. Now I'm starting to think that they're definitely heading in a direction where a divorce would take place. I don't want that. I don't want that at all. But if both of them are going to happier with that decision... Then I'll just have to suck it up and deal with it. 

"Just for a month, nothing more." She assures me. 

"You and Dad will be okay, right?" I ask needing some sort of hope that they won't be divorcing. She just gives me a smile and squeezes my hand. 

"We'll be fine sweetie, don't you worry." She then leans forward and pressed a light kiss on my forehead before getting up. "Now get some rest, next time you wake up you'll be able to go home." 

"Ok." I say quietly as she flashes me one last smile before turning and leaving my room. A few seconds past and I place the dragonfly back onto the table beside me, resting back in my bed as I stare blankly at the ceiling above me trying hard to not let my parents' problems trouble me too much. I close my eyes then, letting the darkness take me once more as I redirect my thoughts on other matters such as who exactly rescued me from the burning shop. 

It was just silent like that for a while, maybe a good thirty minutes. Then, a muttering broke the silence as it broke my concentration, a conversation taking place right outside my door. My eyes still remain close but I focus in on what words were being said especially as one of these people were my father. 

"We can't keep doing this."  He says, sounding strained. " We need to stop." 

"We can't stop Steven, you need to leave them. That's what needs to happen." Comes a female voice. I've never heard her voice before but it was silky sounding and has a hint of an accent. "You keep saying you're going to stop but you never do." 

"If I could I would." He exhausts. "I can't just leave my family for you, I can't leave Kayla on her own." 

"It'd be better for everyone if you do. Just come with me." 

As their conversation progresses, a knot begins to form and tightening in my stomach. Who is this woman? Why is she talking to my Dad? Has he... 

"No, not now." 

"Not now?" 

There's silence and I can't help it but hold my breath, hearing my heart beat in my ears as I listen in for what he's about to say. A few more seconds tick by until he speaks again. 

"I... Will come with you." He says  making it sound as if the words were painful to form. "But not now. I need some time... I need some time with Kayla. And then after that... I'll go with you." 

"Will you?" 

"You have my word." Comes a grim reply. 

I decide then to try and fall asleep. Hoping it would make me forget what I heard. 


Soda by Nothing but Thieves

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