Chapter 21: Everyday business... Not

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Pain shoots through my head, concentrated, overpowering, distracting. My eyes are screwed shut, myself wishing that I can sink back into unconsciousness so that the pain can just disperse. I start to become more aware of my surroundings, feeling a hard and rough surface resting against my back, a chill blanketing my body, a numb sensation emitting from my injured arm. I start to move my fingers slowly to try and get feeling back into it, my eyes crack open to see an assortment of blurred objects in the room and as they open further the idea that I'm in unfamiliar territory substantiates until I'm fully awake and sitting upright.

I look around where I am as my hand gently touches the sore bump on my forehead, I start to freak out. Three walls made of rough stone, a slab of rock serving as a bed under me, a small bedside table next to it, a metal door with a barred window trapping me in the moonlit cell, another barred window opposite the door, placed high up on the wall.

Getting up, I tentatively walked over to the door, scared that if I make the slightest bit of noise something bad will happen. I place my hand on the cool metal and apply a small amount of force to see if anyone was dumb enough to forget to lock the door. But when it didn't give way I then knelt and lay on the ground, peering through the crack between the metal and the ground. There was a slight shadow obstructing my view indicating that there's someone present.

Not knowing quite what to do I sit back up again and felt about my person to find my phone. Maybe if I can figure a way to escape the locked room I can slide my phone out as a distraction and then just kick the door open... It may give me a moment to attack the guard and then run. But I would need to know how to open the door... And I would need my phone. Which, unfortunately, isn't on my person.

I shut my eyes and huff, grimacing at my predicament. How am I going to get out of this? Should I even expect the turtles and Casey to come and rescue me? It's possible that they could find my phone, but my phone would be of no use to them whatsoever. But, they know Karai was after me and if they know Karai then would it be too presumptuous of me to assume that they would know where she took me? 


I stand up again, trying to ignore the pain in my bandaged arm as I surveyed my surroundings a second time. Even though the turtles and Casey have motive to look for me and rescue me I'm not convinced that they know where to rescue me from. So I look around, trying to see if there's anything at all in this cell that could help me escape.  I pace around, felt the walls, checked to see if there's any vents or something of the like but there's none. I glance at the barred window which is out of my reach however, thinking that it would be somewhat beneficial, I decide to jump up and fix my hands around the bars, pulling myself up so that I could peer through the bars. 

Bad mistake

A shot of pain runs through my poor injured arm from the sudden tension and weight making me yell out and let go of the bars, falling back onto the ground into a crumpled heap. Tears well up to my eyes as I grit my teeth. Stupid arm. Stupid me. 

The lock clicks behind me and I hear the door open, footsteps thudding towards me, a pair of arms lifting me up to my feet. I try to struggle out of their grasp but the person squeezes the bicep of my injured arm and I instantly comply as another wave of pain overwhelms me. 

A blindfold then obscures my vision, cuffs are fastened onto my wrists. The person roughly spins me around several times so that I lost my bearings, but in all honesty, the pain of my arm was enough to hinder me. 

I feel the person latch onto me, pushing me in various directions, forcing me to make multiple turns. I would have kept count of the footsteps I was taking, which direction I turned but the numbing sensation of my arm was too much of a distraction. Eventually, we reach the desired location, the area feeling cool.

My Mutation (TMNT FANFIC) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now