Chapter 44: Searching for Answers

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He is alone at the docks. Panic his only companion as he darts around, looking into any darken corner, any abandoned alleyway, all in hopes to find her. To get her back. 

But she's no where in sight. 

And he doesn't know what to do now. 

So he treads back to the lair, her jacket in hand, his mind completely numb from what he saw. The flash of green light, her descent, her new appearance. 

And she's just gone.

No explanation. 

No heads up. 

She has completely vanished. 

He reaches the turnstills of his home, eyes landing on his family who are all gathered before the TV, wathing something. He lets out a breath and walks in, his body feeling heavy. 

Mikey perks up at the sound and turns to see his brother, a grin quickly stretching his freckled face as he waves. 

"Raph! You're back! Where were you dude?" 

"Uh..." His voice falters, his brain lagging behind a second. Splinter turns to look at him, red eyes seeming to soften at an instant. 

"My son?"

"I... Was with Kayla..." Raph stutters out. 

"Kayla? Is she doing ok? April told me she got expelled the other day." Donnie says, now giving Raph his attention. His gaze then drop to the jacket in hand, a frown coming onto his face. "Hey, isn't that her jacket?" 

The movie gets paused.

"Raphael what has happened?"

"Kayla... Kayla got mutated sensei and I- I don't know where she went!" Raph blurts out, bringing a hand to his head. "I- I looked everywhere and she was no where! Her Grandma took her and just disappeared!"

"Whoa, whoa, what?" Says Leo, astonished. "Run that all back, Kayla got mutated? How? Was it the Shredder?"

"No, she, she did it herself. She had a vial on her."

"She had mutagen?" Donnie asks, his tone sharp. "She's got her own supply?"

"I don't know! I just know that she took it and now she's gone!" 

Splinter rises from the couch and approaches Raph. He places a gentle hand on the back of his shell and guides him to couch, making him sit down. 

"Why don't you tell us all that happened tonight my son."

Raph simply stares at the jacket in his hands, the ornate owl at the back boring into him. He clenches his jaw, breahing in sharply. 

"Kayla asked me to meet her at the docks," he starts. "I went, she said she was waiting for the dragon. Then she said something about 'changing the tides' and got mutated... Her grandma just showed up and carried her off." 

"Dude she mutated into a dragon? That's so cooo-" In an instant Donnie and Leo gave Mikey narrowed glares, the younger brother shrinking back. "-oolly bad. Coolly bad." 

Splinter strokes his beard in thought, letting out a gentle hum. He then drops his hand, holding his staff with both hands as he regards his sons. 

"Then there is not much we can do." 

"What?! Sensei!" Raph's head snaps up to look at his father, "we have to find her!" 

"My son, if Kazuno has taken her then it is best we do not intefere right now. Kayla will come back to us, but she has much to prepare for." He goes quiet for a moment, "as do we if we are to help her." 

My Mutation (TMNT FANFIC) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now