Chapter 24: A Return

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The week went by a blur and I can't even be sure as to what had happened. I know I forced myself to go to school but for the whole time I was thinking about being here, tending to Donnie. That's what I've been doing pretty much every day, I would tend to Donnie and monitor his vitals, move him around to stop the development of bedsores, checked his blood for his sodium levels to see how well his kidneys are functioning, and to cease my paranoia I've been sleeping over so that I could keep an eye on him.

But he is a mutant, after all, there's no certainty that the treatment is working, he might need something more or something less, as of now I can't be certain. I probably won't be until he wakes up.

Right now it's night and the boys have either gone to bed or gone out to patrol the city. I'm in Donnie's room doing my own thing, a single lamp on so that I'm not in complete darkness. Over the past couple of days I developed a little game for myself whenever I would start to get restless, I'm doing it now as I shut my eyes.

Let's see, right bedside table with brass coloured alarm clock that has a weird canister thing on top of it, evidently his own invention due to lack of label on the clock. Contents of first drawer; a laptop covered in parts such as a motherboard, a storage unit, a fan and mores. Contents of the second drawer; several notebooks stacked neatly on the left side all of them titled 'Invention Ideas', stationary on the right laid out neatly - includes a few grey leads and six pens. Contents of the third drawer; contains 2 books on biology and one book that is presumably on physics, specifically The Double Helix by James D. Watson (who's an absolute bastard), On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin and The Dialogue Concerning Two Chief Systems by Galileo. There are also several miscellaneous bits and bobs; metal parts for an invention in addition to a toolkit.

I open my eyes and then smile as my eyes scan over the top of the bedside table, ticking off everything I remembered, I open the first, the second and then the third drawer feeling pleased with what I managed to remember. I close the drawers and then divert my attention to the rest of the room as I continue with my little game.

Even though I haven't talked to him yet I feel like I know him well. Being stuck in his room and going into his lab for brief visits (Leo accompanying me so that Raph doesn't get paranoid) I've managed to form an idea as to who he is and what he's liked. He's smart, he likes science, that's obvious enough. Despite the books in his third drawer, I would say he's more into physics than biology given that he's created many things for his brother, or so Leo tells me. He's organized, there's a place for his things so that he can get them at a moment's notice which possibly means he cares about efficiency and wants to get things done without delay. He cares about his brothers, many of the inventions sound as if they were designed to be useful for all of them and not just for himself, additionally there's pictures of them in his lab. And him and April seem to have a thing given how a picture of them is framed with hearts, or maybe he has a thing for her and April doesn't.

Slowly, I walk around his room, giving each little bit my attention to push away my boredom. I pause for a moment and glance to his form, seeing his chest rise and fall. How long ago was it that I fed him and moved him? Two hours? I check my laptop that was open.


Two hours.

I walk over to him and gently reposition him while at the same time checking for any development of bedsores. No... He still seems to be ok. I then perform the routine checkup, shining the light in his eyes, checking his heart, I checked for any swelling with his thyroid glands. Seem to be improving... But that doesn't dispel my quiet anxiety of this situation, things can still go wrong and just because he seems to be improving doesn't mean that I haven't messed up. There may still be something wrong that I've overlooked or something.

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