Chapter 30: A Spiritual Awakening

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She's dressed up in her business attire, stone grey blazer with a matching pencil skirt, her wavy brown hair out, a pair of heels on. There are bags under her eyes yet she's not completely tired given her stance - poised and tensed, ready to attack if necessary. Her plane must have landed rather recently. 

"Oh sweetie you gave me a fright, I thought you would be sleeping." My mum relaxes, lowering the knife and smiling. "I'm just making some melted cheese, do you want any?" 

"It's past midnight." I just say dumbly, not taking my eyes off of her. She turns away and goes back to making her food. 

"I should be saying that to you, missy, what were you doing out so late? And on a school night too." 

I slowly walk further into the area as if she would disappear from my eyes if I move too quickly. I carefully set the things in my hands down onto the nearest surface. 

"Um, I was..." My mind seems to be lagging a bit,  unable to completely comprehend what it is that she's saying. This has to be real... Right? "I was at Alexis'... I was helping her with some homework." 

"Are you sure about that? Delia didn't text me to say you were coming over or anything of the like." She tells me calmly, slicing up some more bread. 

I stay quiet and continue to make my way over to her, she goes on. 

"Of course, if you don't want to tell me you don't have to. You're allowed some secrets." 

"Mum?" I ask timidly, she pauses in her cutting and turns to look at me. She gives me a quizzical smile, her eyes creasing. 

"Yes, honey?" 

"Can I have a hug?" 

"Of course." 


I awake the next morning with a smile on my face. I'm quick to get ready, showering, taking my meds for my arm, brushing my teeth, and packing up my bag but before I make my departure I hesitate. I turn away from the front door and look down the hallway that leads to my mum's room. I walk down there, treading carefully and quietly as I approach the closed door. Slowly, I turn the door handle and push the door open a crack. With one eye I can see the king-size bed that lays abandoned in the darkened room, sheets unmade.

My heart drops. 

"What are we looking at?" Comes a soft Australian voice. 

I jump and turn around, being greeted by a recently awakened mum. She's wrapped up in a robe, a pair of ugg boots on her feet. She smiles and places a hand on my head before turning away, walking to the kitchen. Embarrassed, I follow her, a red tint on my cheeks. 

"Don't worry honey, I'm not leaving again." She heads over to the espresso machine that's on the bench and puts in a pod to make her morning cup of coffee. She goes to the fridge and grabs the carton of milk. "We have a very important exhibition coming up - so, I'll be home for a while."

"What kind of exhibition is it?" I ask curiously. 

"It's a look into feudal Japan. One of our donators has been pushing for this for a while so I suspect that's he's happy with the outcome." 


"Mhmm... Shame your father won't be here for it though. He would have liked it." 

I stilled at that, my interest peaked. She knows he left. Did he tell her why? Why didn't he say anything to me? What exactly did he tell her? 

"Oh sweetie don't forget it's Halloween today, you know how much Alexis loves it." 

"Right. Yes, mum." 

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