Chapter 35: Dumpster Diving

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Another night, another bout of stress. 

I'm staring nervously up at the rooftops surrounding the park, the cold air of the eve surrounding me as I do my stretches. 

"You're wearing those shoes?"

I glance to Nina who's also beside me doing her own set of stretches, blonde hair tied up in its usual ponytail, grey eyes stern as always. 

I glance down to my shoes.

"What's wrong with them?" I ask her. 

"You wear them a lot, are you sure they're not dead yet?" 

" don't know, either way I don't have the money to buy a new pair of trainers Ni." 

"Kayla! You shouldn't be running in old shoes, they'll give you back problems." 

"So... I should have worn my converse?" 

"No, but you could've told me! I would have bought you a new pair." 

"Please don't do that."

"I'm just saying." 

I sigh as I stretch my other leg, looking back up to the surrounding rooftops. 

Nina and I used to go on runs together, it wasn't that consistent since I always got distracted by homework or something, and she would get distracted by her own things. But considering the training regime Raph's put me on as well as the kunoichi training with Splinter, it will do me a lot more good to go on some regular runs.

Naturally I told the boys this; of where I will be, where I'll be running to and what time all of this is happening. 

Just in case something happens. 

I really hope nothing happens.

"Do you think Alexis will get to the spot on time?" Nina asks me eyes glancing down to her watch.

I shrug, "only one way to find out. You ready?"

Nina sighs as she gets into position, "if she's not there I'm going to kill her."

"Alright then. Three... Two... One!"

Nina tears down the path in front of me, long legs pumping, blonde hair flying out behind her. I'm chasing after her, my legs thudding against the ground as I concentrate on my breathing and my own momentum. 

We weave past other runners, skidding around corners, dodging the dogwalkers present as we make our way through the park. 

Soon we leave its premises, taking to the streets, Nina still ahead of me but I'm building up speed. Now I'm within arms reach of her. 

"You've gotten faster." I breathe out. She just glances over her shoulder and shoots me a smirk before adding a burst of speed. 

I purse my lips, unhappy with the sudden change of pace, but rather determined about not being left behind I sprint after her, keen to overtake her. 

She turns down a corner, kicking over a couple of trashcans into my path, but I manage to leap over them, leaving behind the angry cries of passersby as I keep going - not once slowing down. Nina takes a glance over her shoulder, seeming to be rather surprised that I'm still chasing her, I just offer her a frown - confused at her sudden change in demeanor. 

We skid down another corner, the night air breezing past, trickles of sweat beginning to collect around my brow. I'm now matching pace with her, much to her disappointment given how she's side-eyeing me. 

I grit my teeth and push on, forcing myself to go faster as we race down the street getting all the more closer to the spot Alexis will be meeting us. But it would seem that Nina still has yet to tire as she manages to get at least a step ahead of me. 

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