Chapter 26

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Pansy's POV

I am confused but most importantly I am angry. Now what he is trying to play. Millie knew I was mad at her so she left as we reached home. Now I am sitting on the Sofa of my living Room and he is helping Judy, my caretaker to prepare something "Healthy" for me. He literally ran to the kitchen when I told Judy that I am hungry. And volunteered to help her

After an hour he decided to come with a bowl of vegetable soup and hot cocoa. My caretaker must have told him about my preferrence.
I take the bowl from him and start eating. He keeps looking at me which makes me loose my appetite. I kept the bowl down

"What are you playing at Draco?" I asked him. After all these I am still soft on him. I can't seem to bring myself to hate him. I expected him to give a smooth explaination and lie again but what happened next shocked me. Within seconds he was on the floor kneeling. He shook as he cried. Repeating "I am sorry" over and over.

The scene broke my heart. I never wanted him to cry like this. I wanted to reach out and hug and tight but I remained rooted in my spot. My brain was telling me to throw him out of my house but my heart wanted to run into his arms.

After a while his shaking stopped. His face a mess. His eyes swollen, nose red still running. And tears streaming down at a slower rate. "Pansy please forgive me!" "come back to me please!" "I love you"  "come back!" "l am sorry for every thing," he was repeating these lines one after another in a random way.  All those words which I wanted to hear all those months back were coming at me. It seemed so surreal, it felt like a dream. I wanted to believe him but I knew well that he is Draco Malfoy and I couldn't trust him again.

I gathered up my courage. I couldn't hate him. But in a soft, wavy voice I replied "No I can't"

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