Chapter 31

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Draco's POV

I groan and roll in my bed. I can't go to class. It is embarrassing. I know I deserve to be embarrassed. But I didn't expected my parents to react this way. We were having breakfast in the great hall. When a howler was delivered to me. And that was from my parents.


I was sitting with Blaise, Daphne and Theo. Daphne and Theo had began dating. We were able to clear some air after I had confronted them yesterday. Just then the owls flew in with letters and Parcels. A white owl arrived and landed infront of me. I took the letter attached but to my surprise it was a howler.

"You brat" it started speaking. It was my mothers voice. She hasn't called me that in ages. But hearing that now gave me goosebumps. " Draco Lucious  Malfoy I never expected this from you. But as it has already happened I want you to take responsibilty and return home after Newt." It shouted. My mother was angry. It takes a lot of anger to break her cool. If I had been at home she would have skinned me alive. "If you fail to do so, don't bother coming home" this time it was my fathers voice. He wasn't screaming. But it was deep, serious and scary. And the letter burst into fire and disappeared. The hall was silent. And like the guest near and arena, everyone came to life. Murmurs and whispers could be heard. I just looked down. The atmosphere near me was also tensed. Blaise sighed and decided to feel the owl to lighten it. But how could that be ignored. I had no idea if pansy would come back to me. Now I am about to be homeless.

End of Flashback

I keep twisting and turning. Sighing and throwing kicks in the air. I feel sorry for myself. But more than that I am scared. I am scared that I wont be able to bring back my children. I fear that Pansy won't return to me. Not for my parents. But for myself. I love her. I am head over heels in love with her. And I can't help but pray that she is too.

I need to see her again. I jumped out of my bed. Class can wait. Friends can wait. Everything can wait. But I can't wait for her I am desperate. I need to talk with McGonagall. It time for my next visit. Pansy I am coming.

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