Chapter 33

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Draco's POV

I can swear I saw her smile a little before she made that 'annoyed' face again. When I came earlier I was nervous but now my mind feels at ease to be close with her. I had to beg that old cat to visit her often. She was not keen on allowing me to do that because of Newts. Now I have to go back again. But today I can go in a happy mood. I am damn happy. She is trying to give me a chance and that's more than enough for me.

After I gave her the notepad she blushed and hurried to her feigning sleep. I am sure now also she is thinking about me inside the covers. I continue to sit in the living room. What does she meant by that? Who wronged her? I knew she was suffering. But had I turned a blind eye. Did something horrible happened? What did she meant by deserving? She never deserved it. She isn't a slut. Why I had to tell her that. Damn I hurt her bad. And now I was being an asshole again. Forcing her to be with me. But what else can I do? I don't want to think about separation with her again. Her fake death Incident was enough. I am sorry Pansy I can't let you go. You can call me obsessed but I want to lock you up away from everyone.

I walk towards her room and see her drinking mango juice which I had prepared for her. Mrs Judy had came back I had also helped her with her dinner preparation. Because of late breakfast Pansy decided to skip lunch. I decided not be angry and forced her to have some juice. And I asked Mrs Judy to cook dinner early. Now I am still in the doorway looking at her. My hands held a tray with dumplings and sauce. She must be craving sauce. I took the tray and kept it infront of her. Her eyes lit up eyeing the items. "How do you know I wanted sauce? " she asked eyes wide like a little child. My heart skipped a bit. She looked so cute. "I am trying to be a good husband material so that someone marries me already" I said with a pout.  She laughed "What have you done with Malfoy? Are you an imposter? " she asked. "No I am not.  I am your Draco. And you know what only I am allowed to see you like this" I said with a wink. Her cheeks turned red. Her disheveled hair going in every direction. Wrinkled clothes showing out her belly. Flushed cheeks and heavy with my kids. It turned me on. And hell noone else can see this way. I was hard. "Don't eat only sauce, eat the dumplings too. " I said sternly and hurried out of her to the bathroom.

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