Chapter 18

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Pansy's POV

I look at the ceiling above. It wasn't decorated as my fathers mansion. It didn't have any sophisticated finishing but it was home. My home where I plan to stay for a long time. With my children.
Yes Children, I am having twins. I don't know about their gender yet and I plan to keep it that way. I want it to be a surprise for me. I can't help but sigh. I am 18 now and mother of two children. I can't wait for them to be born. These months it wasn't easy but I can say I am happy now to leave everything behind and start anew.

The news of my death must have reached him. And he should be happy now to be free of me. I feel guilty for tricking him. I feel guilty that my children won't know their father. But I am bound. I can't risk him rejecting them. It will be too much and I don't think I can survive after that. I don't have the guts to stay near him it breaks my heart so I decided to run.

I look at my mobile to look at the time . It's a gift from Hermione. She is one of who knows that I am alive other than Millie, Proffesor Mcgonagall and Madame Pompey. And she was the who came up with the plan.


"What are you saying Miss Granger it wont be possible it will be decieving and we can't do that. I can't do that Merlin. "  Proffesor Mcgonagall said with a serious face. Tears formed around my eyes. I was okay with the plan. There was nothing left for me here. My parents died in the war. My friends hate me. I had no one. Hermione has asked them to send me off to muggle London and stay there with my babies. I don't have any problem with it. In my opinion it's a great idea. "Miss Granger here at least we can take care of her" Madame Pomfrey said. Care! That made me loose my mind. "Where were you when I got raped in this very school just because everyone labelled me as a traitor? Pity I didn't even knew who were those bastards.Where were you when I was bullied by my own class mates? You didn't care then? Can you grarante that my babies will be safe? OK won't get bullied for being pregnant?" I shouted at them and sobbed. They were shocked. But I didn't look at their expressions, because I knew very well that it was pity.

"Let her go, please no-one should suffer like this" Hermione pleaded, her voice was cracked. She was also crying. "What should we say if she disappears suddenly?" Proffesor Mcgonogall asked. Her lips pressed in a thin line. I can feel her emotions reluctance but also sympathy. I can do this. I can start a new life away from everyone. I don't have to work , after my parents died the property was transferred to me. I couldn't graduate but I was well-off. Three Parkinson generations can survive in luxury with the money I have. This is it. I took a long breath. No one had guessed what I had said next "Label me as dead" 


Offcouse I was denied at first. But after lot of persuasion they agreed. I played my pregnant card. And they arranged me to stay here in London. I bought an apartment in 60 cross-street with the  gallons that were converted and transferred to my back account. I have a caretaker, a muffle old lady, she helps me with the chores and takes care of the house. This was it. My life now.

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