Chapter 17

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Pansy's    P. O. V

I was devastated. I can't face anyone. I hide under the covers in my four-poster bed and wait for everyone to leave. Millicent calls for me. But I don't reply. I felt humiliated and broken. I rubbed my belly. I knew I was pregnant. I had taken the test before our break up. I was going to tell him but then he decided to break it off in the room of requirement. I didn't want my child to be rejected too.  One week has passed since then but I don't feel like walking out. My stomach growled. I haven't eaten breakfast yet, I felt guilty. My baby was suffering too, they needed food but what was I doing. Tears streamed down my face and I had the urge to eat bacon. I quickly got up and dressed. I have to go these days Millicent was bringing me food. Even Daphne brought sometimes but I can't disturb them more.

I heard snickers and whispers as I walked passed the students. Suddenly  I tripped but stopped myself from falling. I let out relieved sigh I should be more careful I thought. But I felt lightheaded I tried to support myself with the help of the corridor wall but I couldn't all I could see was black next.

When I woke up. I found myself in the infirmary. And a girl sat beside me. It was Hermione she smiled at me. I tried to sit and she supported a pillow at my back. "You shouldn't stress it's not good for the babies and you should eat more you need food for three people" she said and laughed awkwardly. I was shocked. Three people? . I am having more than one baby?  How am I supposed to do this alone? My heart started beating faster. And I started hyperventilating. "Pansy calm down"she tried to soothe me and called for madame Pompfrey. But I lost consciousness again.

This time when I woke up. Headmistress Mcgonagall was also present with Hermione and Madame Pomfrey.  I greated them with a slight nod. "Are you okay dear ?" the headmistress asked. I nodded again. "Pansy you almost lost the babies, don't be stressed we will help you out, even though that basterd doesn't" Hermione says cheerfully. Trying to lift my mood. But her smile looked kind of creepy. I shook my head "Don't tell him I don't want my baby to be rejected" I told them. "Babies" Madame Pomfrey said correcting me. This will take a while I guess. It not like everyday I am pregnent with twins. "Don't you think he deserves to know he is the father?" Proffesor Mcgonagall asks. She looks unsure. "No" I shout and automatically my hands cover my stomach and I start to shake. Hermione rushes to me and hugs me to make me feel at ease. I look at her pleadingly. I wanted to go away from here. "Help me please, I want to go away please " I sob and hug her back. She rubs my back and then looks at the two older ladies. "I have a plan and I will need your help please it's not gonna sound nice but it's for Pansy's safety" Hermione says , I look at her expectantly. The two older ones eyes her but tells her continue. And I smile as I had people caring for me. And maybe a friend other than Millie.

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