Chapter 2

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Blaise and I were walking in the hallway. We just came out of charms We had the class with the ravenclaws. Now we have Transfiguration with the Gryffindors. 'What do we have now? ' Blaise asked. He always forgets. 'Transfiguration' I muttered.
"Draco I forgot to bring my notes" he whined like a baby. I just rolled my eyes. He took out his cell phone. It was a gift from Hermione to all of us. We have secretly installed a mini tower at the Astronomy Tower. Hey my thoughts rhymed. So we had access to internet and calls inside Hogwarts. But the only disadvantage was we had to charge that tower every week and it was tiring. "Hey I messaged Daphne she will bring them let's wait here and go together okay" Blaise spoke out and broke my chain of thoughts.

Then he gazed somewhere else. I followed his gaze and saw him eyeing Pansy Parkinson. She was collecting the scatterd papers around her. Somebody must have hexed her.She  sure has grown since the war. She became quiet and withdrawn.  And now I don't see her following me around like a love sick puppy. The nicknames she used to call still gave me nightmares.People hated her before but after the war she made lost of enemies because she wanted to turn Harry to Voldemort. The Slytherins avoid her to stay away from problems. I had heard some people from other houses had started bullying her so no one from our house talks with her. The slytherins are trying to make amends with the other houses and being friends with pansy will be like creating a barrier. 

I wasn't a fan of her I hanged out with her at first because of my fathers orders. And then she became clingy. She even tried to tear Astoria and me apart. I hated her for that. "I heared she got hexed by someone yesterday" Blaise told still looking at her.  "So" I asked I wasn't in mood to discuss her misfortunes. "I don't know, no-one deserves this, I mean only Bulstrode talks with her" he said. "She deserves everything " I shout so that she can hear it too. she stares at me and and our gazes meet. Her eyes looked raw with emotions I can't fathom. It gives me chills and I  look away. Blaise shakes his head and drags me toward the transfiguration class. "Why do you have to shout like that" he asks me when we reach the entrance to the class. I ignore his question. "Didn't you asked to wait for Daphne" I ask him. He sighs "Don't change the subject Draco she has been through a lot, if you can't solve her problem don't add more, and I think She still likes you Draco" He says and walks inside the class. I stay there rooted to the spot. I come out of my trance when  Daphne drags me inside the class shortly after.

At the class I began pondering about the possibility of her still liking me. I shuddered at the thought. I hated her. I really hated her guts.
Soon Class was  over and we started packing our things. Harry nodded at me curtly I smirked at him. Ron grinned at me while making his way towards me. "Mate you are free" he said still grinning. Blaise rolled his eyes "Are you asking or stating you decide that first" Blaise says. "Are you scared that I will steal your best friend" Ron answers back and side hugs me. I laugh at his antics
"It's a good idea I had deal with you so much Ron, I will exchange you for Blaise" harry says and warps his arms around Blaise and pulls him away with him. I didn't see him approaching only I drag the shocked open mouthed Ron with me. And the girls Hermione and Daphne follows us.

People still give us curious stares. It's not like they are used to see me and Harry together. If they were the famous Golden Trio we weren't less famous. People started calling us the Silver Trio. And we loved the feeling

//This chapter was quiet long but I tried my very best Thank you//

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